First Day - The New Kid

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(A/N: Before we begin, I thought I'd also give a voice... So you all can know what he sounds like. And I've decided to go with Shisui Uchiha (Young) voice by Nicolas Roye. Also, I'm starting along somewhere after Stan and Wendy have broke up. And is with Tolkien at the moment. With that, let's begin.)


We cut to a moderate looking home in South Park, Colorado. The home in particular looks like any other moderate housing that isn't in the upper-class neighborhood or the poor side of the neighborhood. The house is accompanied with a garage right next to it... Both being a dark beige in color... A 2003 Chevrolet Suburban Truck was parked in the driveway.

We now cut to the inside of the house, where a small family is sitting at the table... With a T.V. going on in the background while sounds of chewing could be heard from the table... A simple breakfast which consisted of eggs, bacon, toast, and apple slices... A husband, wife, and their only son, Ethan Wilkes, are sitting at the table... Nobody has said anything yet. At least, Ethan hadn't... He hadn't been paying attention to his parents whom were currently whispering to one another.

Mrs. Wilkes: " Are you sure it was a good idea to let him try coffee, dear? "

Mr. Wilkes: " Well, it was less than the intake he's supposed to have. And besides, it shouldn't be too bitter. It's a simple pumpkin spice latte... Besides, there's more sugar in it, and there's whipped cream and caramel, so it shouldn't be too bad. "

Ethan: [Slr-r-r-r-rp~]...

Ethan still had yet to speak... Simply focused on eating his breakfast so he could get his bookbag and be on his way to South Park Elementary. He hadn't really been talking to his parents too much still since the move. He didn't really have anything he wanted to discuss with them yet. And his mother really wanted to mend the bridge between them. But... Baby-steps... 

Mrs. Wilkes: " So Ethan... Are you excited for your first day at a new school? "

He lifted his eyes up from his meal to look at his mother for a moment, before simply shrugging his shoulders.

Ethan: " Eh, hopefully it won't be as boring as back in California. Seriously, the only times I remember anything fun would be either my birthday, or if you guys actually remembered me to have a family outing. "

Hearing that response made both parents wince... But they knew Ethan wasn't in the wrong for holding a little grudge. He is their child after-all. The father placed a hand on his head.

Mr. Wilkes: " Well, that's why we moved to South Park, right? Your mother and I have already started working virtual too. It should make things easier for all of us... Hopefully give us more time for you if you're willing to accept it, son... And it'll give your mom and I a chance to maybe get some friends, so we don't feel compelled to just party all night somewhere. "

Hearing that made Ethan look back down at his food... He took a deep breath and sighed... At least they were trying.

Ethan: " Fair enough. I suppose I'm kind-of looking forward to it. "




Soon enough, Ethan had finished breakfast... He had his bookbag slinged on... And could feel his weaponry secured hidden beneath his oversized dual-colored hoodie. He then opened the front door and then shouted.

Ethan: " All right, I'm outta here! "

The door then closed leaving his parents to themselves.


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