It'll Be Okay

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Summary: After the macabre events that occurred in the Feldcroft Catacomb, Sebastian is devastated. All he can think about is running away and pushing you away from him... but you don't plan to give up on him so easily.
Based on the song "It'll Be Okay" by Shawn Mendes.

Warning: Major spoilers for the "In the Shadow of the Relic" quest

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"I won't let her suffer! Avada Kedavra!"

A flash of green light struck Solomon Sallow's body, before it fell limp on the ground. Sebastian had done it. He had killed his uncle.

Oh, the future we dreamed of is fading to black...

He dropped his wand which clattered on the ground.

And just like that, you and Sebastian's future plans vanished, completely ruined. They used to seem so simple... you were supposed to cure Anne with the relic, make her return to Hogwarts, and then be happy all together with your little quartet of friends.

But as fate would have it, that was never going to happen.

A high-pitched, distraught voice brought you out of your thoughts, "Depulso!"

Anne had appeared in the Catacomb and apparently witnessed the whole tragic scene that had just unfolded, whereupon she herself attacked her twin brother, propelling him with all her might against one of the stone walls to stop him.

Driven by her fiery anger, she used what little strength she had left to cast a couple more spells to defeat the remaining Inferi and reduce Salazar Slytherin's Spellbook to ashes.

"NO!" Sebastian howled. He could do nothing but watch his sister destroy the book that was supposed to contain all the solutions to save her life.

"You've made your choice." She said simply, before disapparating with the inert corpse of their uncle.

"Oh, Anne... What have you done?"

Oh, there's nothing more painful. Nothing more painful...

You were paralysed, unable to move even a finger after witnessing such a heartbreaking scene where a family was completely shattered, with no means or hope of ever repairing their ties. Poor Sebastian was left entirely alone, tears in his eyes, his face contorted by his crushing grief and regret. Merlin, you hated that sight with all your heart.

"I-I must get out of here." He mumbled as he stood up and quickly looked at his surroundings, as if he were completely disorientated.

"Seb, wait!" You tried to hold him back, but Sebastian would not listen.

Instead, he fled. He ran like mad towards the exit of the Catacomb, desperate for fresh air.

"SEBASTIAN!" You shouted at the top of your lungs as you sped after him, hoping that it would be enough for him to hear you despite his head start.

It was only when you had made your way up the labyrinth of tunnels, once you were back in the Feldcroft countryside and away from the heavy atmosphere of the dusty Catacomb, that you managed to catch up with Sebastian.

Now that he was close at hand, you reached out to grab his arm, "Sebastian, stop!"

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" He roared, sending your hand flying with more force than he would have used if he were in his normal state of mind.

You flinched out of reflex, but you were in no case scared of the boy. You never had been, and you knew you never would be. You understood that he was simply on edge and needed reassurance, so you kept your soft tone, "Seb–"

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