[NSFW] Be My Valentine (Be Mine)

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Summary: It's Valentine's Day, and Sebastian is all about making you feel your best and giving you everything you need... whatever that may be.

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It was past nine p.m., and the night Healer had finally turned up, meaning that your long, exhausting evening on call at St. Mungo's was finally over.

Almost all your colleagues had deserted to spend time with their partners on Valentine's Day. That was how you had found yourself managing an entire department on your own, because you were the only one who had volunteered. Of course, you did not do it for the fun of it – Merlin knows that you too would have preferred to spend the day with your boyfriend – but it was your first few months as a fully trained Healer, and you hoped that volunteering for as many shifts as possible would help you get promoted as quickly as possible. Fortunately, you were lucky enough to have an understanding boyfriend who supported you completely in this process.

Speaking of the devil, you only had one desire... to get home to him and his welcoming arms.

You let out a long, exhausted sigh, then eagerly removed your lime green uniform robes, and disapparated without wasting any more time.

In the blink of an eye, and with a loud crack, you found yourself on the doorstep of you and Sebastian's flat, not far from Diagon Alley. As soon as you arrived, you heard a hurried commotion coming from the other side of the door. Sensing that something was odd, you slowly turned the doorknob.

"Seb?" You called out tentatively. "I'm home."

And then you stopped dead in your tracks, speechless... Several boxes of chocolates were waiting for you on the table, wrapped in big red ribbons. The whole living room was covered in red, pink and white flower petals. And there were all those candles scattered all around the flat, on all the furniture and windowsills. Their perfume filled the air with a subtle and enchanting fragrance, while their flames danced and flickered. Their gentle yet warm glow brought a soft, intimate illumination to the romantic decor. And in the midst of all this, there was the most important thing...

Sebastian Sallow, your devoted boyfriend, was standing in front of you, greeting you with a breathtaking bouquet of different kinds of roses that formed a vibrant colour palette to match the theme of the special occasion. It was incredibly huge, unlike anything you had ever seen. It was as if its size symbolised the depth of his love, and its flamboyant petals reflected his fierce feelings for you.

"Happy Valentine's Day, darling." He approached you, eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Blushing as red as a poppy, you took the bouquet in your arms and were immediately embraced by the sweet fragrance of the blooms, "Sebastian! You didn't have to!"

"I have to deserve you, don't I?" He replied, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

"Oh, shush." You gave him a playful little smack on the arm. "I'm the one who doesn't deserve you. I didn't get you anything!"

In response, Sebastian wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, pressing you against his body, and placed an innocent kiss on the tip of your nose, "Doesn't matter because tonight is all about you. I'm yours and at your disposal for your every wish throughout the entire night."

"Every wish, huh?" You quirked an eyebrow while your smile was slowly replaced by a mischievous smirk. "...So if I tell you my back is sore and I want a massage, you'll do it?"

"Your wish is my command, princess." Sebastian replied, grabbing one of your hands and bringing it to his lips to place a loving kiss on it.

Without wasting another second, Sebastian took the bouquet from your hands and placed it more or less delicately on the table beside you. Then, out of the blue, he lifted you in his arms, bridal style, and carried you in the direction of your bedroom with ridiculous ease, as if you weighed less than a feather. You rested your head on his chest, now able to hear his soothing heartbeat, and let him manipulate you to his heart's content.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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