Chapter 9- Starting the experiment

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*Hello to all fans who have been dying for an update for years. I am so very sorry I dropped off from writing. Maybe I'll write my real story as a book one day, there's enough craziness in it to make it interesting, but for now The Original Problem and this story will be my main focus, will update a chapter at least once a week from here on out. THANK YOU SO MUCH!*

Today was the day, time to start at the all boys school as the only girl. My first class of the day was Maths, I had this class with Asher. 

My hair was still loosely curly from the night before, so I put it up in a pony tail, pulling my bangs forward to frame my face. Light make up for me, eyeliner and mascara. I put on a white blouse and a black vest with white stripes. Black jeans and black vanns. I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door, when I stepped into the hallway I saw Asher starting towards the end of the hall. He was wearing a Blue button up and black pants with nice shoes. 

"Hey Ash! Wait up!" I called to him. He paused and looked back smiling.

"Hello dear. Are you ready for class?" 

"Yes! Would you care to escort me?" I asked catching up with him. 

"It would be my pleasure!" He said holding out his arm for me, I linked arms with him and walked towards the mathematics building. 

Math was a subject I was good at but it didn't hold my interest, the professor droned on about the syllabus. I saw many guys glancing at me and nudging their friends to look at me as well.

I sighed in annoyance and Asher leaned over. "They're just amazed about a girl being here, it will die down."

"Being the experiment on display is no fun." I sighed again.

English with Sam was next. Anytime a guy would glance my way, Sam would shoot them a look and they wouldn't turn around again. That was at least nice to not feel as on display, but English is my least favorite subject so the class seemed to last forever. Sam and I passed doodles of the teacher blabbing about Shakespeare to pass the time. 

I had history class with Jackson, He kept me laughing the whole time and even got us in trouble for being to noisy a few times, I didn't feel like an experiment, just a normal student for the class. 

Next was Chemistry with Isaiah, and unfortunately Zac was also in this class, wait to ruin my favorite subject by putting my least favorite student in here as well. Luckily the teacher allowed us to pick our own tables, and whoever we sat with would be our lab partner. Isaiah and I sat with each other. He acted nervous about me being with him though, I wasn't sure if he was worried about our grade or the kiss. He gave me a small smile when I came in and sat down next to him, but was attentive and quiet when the teacher was talking. 

Right before the bell rang, Isaiah slid a piece of paper to me folded with my name across the top. I opened it.

'Clarke, I feel as though I did things the wrong way. I would like to make it up to you. Meet me at 8 tonight at the fountain in the courtyard and I will treat you to a proper date and will only kiss you if you ask me to. I so hope you will accept my invitation. -Isaiah'

I blushed and smiled at this. I thought he was just taking notes the whole class, although we were just going over the syllabus and lab safety procedures. 

"Nerds like that don't deserve to have a beautiful girl meeting them at the wishing fountain." Spoke Zac from behind me.

"And Fuck-boys like you do not deserve any girl. Especially since you can't seam to figure out what is your business and what is not." I snapped back.

"Well well, I would figure you are my business since you so eagerly kissed me the other night" He smirked

"A drunken mistake I never plan to make again, I assure you." I barked 

I grabbed my bag and went to storm out of the lab 

"My father wouldn't have approved this experiment if he knew how promiscuous you were."

I turned on my heels and went straight over to him, without a word I slapped him across the face as hard as I possibly could. He stumbled back slightly.

"Don't you ever speak to me again." I shouted at him and I ran out. 

I went straight to my room and locked myself away. Is this all I would be? Just some experiment and thing to be used and abused by men of power my whole life?

I cried, I cried for hours, so much that I passed out from emotional exhaustion. I woke up hours later and checked the time 8:15. Shit.

I didn't want to stand Isaiah up, I hope he is still there. I cleaned up my face and ran out the door. 

I got to the fountain and found no one. Damn it. Now I've messed things up.

"I thought you weren't coming." The calm sweet voice behind me caused me to breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm so sorry, I fell asleep after classes." I rushed. I turned around to see Isaiah with his head down, glasses in his hand. They looked broken.

"Well it wasn't the lateness but your boyfriend that caused me to think that." 

"I don't have a boyfriend Isaiah. What are you talking about?" I asked full of concern.

"Zachary Grey seems to think otherwise." He said harshly.

"That asshole? Fuck. No way! He's got this issue with me since day one because there was a mix up in the rooming situation." I got closer to him to see blood on his lip and swelling around his eye. "What did he do?"

"What guys like that always do to guys like me, He punched me and told me to go back to my level. That I didn't deserve to even have you as a lab partner." His voice raising in volume.

"Isaiah, I promise you, he will not get away with this. I will make this night up to you. But for now, I've got a Fuck boy to kill."

I stormed off to the dorms with a rage I have never felt before, as if all the pain and hurt anyone has ever done to me was bubbling up at once. 

Zachary Grey is going to rue the day he ever fucked with me.

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