Chapter 1- The Bad News

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"Maccceeeee!" my best friend Rachael squealed as the final bell rang dismissing us from school.

I looked over at her when I opened my locker door. "Yes Rach?" I giggled.

"Starbucks date, right?" She beamed

I sighed "Sadly no. My parents called a family dinner and Josh is coming home from uni for the weekend."

"Ohhhh. Maybe I should come over and join the family since Josh is gonna be there." She winked.

"Gross. That's my brother!" I playfully hit her.

"Hey Mason." I heard a deep voice whisper before strong arms were wrapped around my waist. I smiled and turned around to be met with stormy grey eyes.

"Hi Justin." I leaned up and pecked him on the lips. Justin is my unofficial boyfriend. We've been talking for a few months but are just now getting public.

"Gag me now. Gross." Racheal wined.

I giggled and moved away from him. He ruffled his dirty blonde hair before He wrapped an arm around my waist and I grabbed my bag.

We all headed toward the parking lot making plans for tomorrow. Shopping with Racheal then date with Justin. Perfect day. I hugged them both goodbye and got in my black Ferrari.

Yeah. My parents were loaded and I always had nice things. I wasn't entitled though.

As I pulled into the driveway I noticed my brothers car in the drive. I smiled and ran inside dropping my bag by the door. I spotted him on the couch. I quietly walked behind him and leaped over the couch landing on him. Cheerleading camp paying off as I landed perfectly on him without problem.

He let out a gasp of air and started tickling me when he caught his breath.

"!!!!!" I cried between laughs. "Ssss...stoooopppp!!!"

We laughed and caught up on life soon Maria, our maid, announced dinner.

"Mason, how was your day?" My mother asked sweetly.

"Fine." I responded.

"See Mary, this is what I mean. There is no way we can take her with us." My father Richard whispered not so quietly to my mother.

"Gee daddy dearest. What trip don't I get to enjoy with you?" They traveled a lot I barely saw them. Maria and Josh were the only ones who cared about me in my family.

"Mason I will not have that attitude toward me in this house. I'm so tired of it." He spoke sternly. "I only ever wanted one child." He mumbled. But I still heard it.

"I'm so sorry that you got mom pregnant a second time father. It is all my fault that you couldn't keep it in your pants!" I practically screamed. Josh put a hand on my shoulder to calm me.

"This is exactly why we are sending you to a private school in California for the rest of your schooling. Your mother and I are going to travel Europe and Asia for a while. You will have everything you need taken care of. All the money you will need is in your bank account. I will refill it every so often. And Maria has already packed for you. You leave in the morning."

"But father, you never said anything to me. Mason can stay with me." Josh protested.

"And have her mess with your schooling. No no no. Everything is already arranged." He spoke sternly. My mother never said a word. With that I stood up and took off too my room ignoring the protests I got. Tears were rolling down my face as I fell onto my bed and called Racheal.

After I told Racheal. I called Justin. We ended up calling things off. Knowing we wouldn't last long distance. I can't believe after getting everything perfect, I have to start over. Great.

The next day I left earlier than they wanted. I said my goodbyes to Josh and Maria. It was hard. I didn't speak to my parents. I hoped it pissed them off. I boarded my plane and fell asleep.

**Photo is of Mason**

**Photo is of Mason**

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