Chapter 10- Making up for it

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I had stormed straight into Zachary's dorm room. To find it empty. I pounded on Jackson's door.

"Hey beautiful, what's with the police knock?" He asked as he opened the door and saw me.

"WHERE THE HELL IS ZACHARY?" I yelled in response, I felt slightly bad. It wasn't Jackson's fault, but I was livid at that asshole.

"His mom had him flown home for a few weeks. She had some kind of emergency she wanted him home for." He said calmly "Whats the anger for?"

"He beat up a friend of mine for no good reason, I'm gonna murder him." I sighed angrily

"Well he must've had a reason, Z usually doesn't just get violent without one. His dad would have his ass for causing problems at the school." Jackson looked at me with furrowed eyebrows

"Apparently this guy is too much of a nerd to have my attention, he said the same thing to me in Bio after he saw the note Isaiah left me." I mumbled

"Oh, Isaiah has got his eyes on you? He and Z go way back, and not good things." Jackson said placing a hand on my shoulder "I'd be careful with that one." he looked at me with such concern

"He's a nice guy Jax." I sighed "He didn't deserve to be beat up just for asking me to hang out with him. I'm sorry I bothered you, I'll just go find Isaiah and figure out a way to make it up to him."

"Easy tiger, don't feel like you have to go give yourself away over a long burning feud." He chuckled "And you're never a bother babygirl." he smiled, took my hand in his and kissed my knuckles.

I smiled softly at him, he sure was a charmer, I felt calmer already just from talking to him.

"Zachary will get his when he gets back, Thanks Jax, I'll see you later."

 I went to leave and heard him call out "promises, promises, I'll hold you to that!"

I chuckled lightly and left the hall hoping Isaiah wouldn't be too hard to find.


I had found Isaiah and we were now at this lake about a mile away from the school, he knew a way to sneak out, we were sitting in the grass watching the moon's reflection ripple in the water.

"So, I have to ask, what's your long history with Zachary?" I asked softly not wanting to upset him.

He stiffened up, Shit, I upset him. "You don't have to tell me, I just was curious why he would target you, it's not like I'm anything to him but an annoyance." I rushed, he looked over at me and grabbed my hand.

"No, it's fine, I want to be honest with you. It's just a sore subject." He cleared his throat and continued. Zach has always had an issue with me since we were kids, I got better grades, teachers liked me better and his dad would always commend me when he saw me around."

He sighed and looked towards the water again, I couldn't tell if it was the water's reflection in his eyes or he was tearing up as he continued softly "He found out I have a sister, she's a year younger than us and he met her one night at a school coed party. He played her and she didn't take it so well. She blamed me for some reason and hasn't spoken to me since he broke her heart. We used to be so close, he ruined that because he wanted to have a good time." he wiped his face, definitely was tears.

I pulled him into a hug "I am so sorry Isaiah, I could never imagine not speaking to my brother, he's my best friend. I can't believe she would blame you." I whispered to him as I squeezed tighter. 

He hugged me back and I felt him relax. "yeah well, he apparently thinks all women belong to him and she thinks I should have warned her, she wouldn't have listened to me anyways, I was always the over protective brother when It came to my sister and boys"

I pulled back and looked at him, I cupped his cheek in my hand and looked between his lips and eyes. He did the same and leaned forward, I closed the distance between our lips and kissed him softly. 

He gently placed a hand on the back of my neck as we moved our mouths together, he deepened the kiss and I opened my mouth to allow his tongue to slide in. His touch and scent were so sweet. 

I pulled away after a few minutes and rested my head against his forehead. I giggled slightly.

He smiled in return "Well that was unexpected." 

"You're a good guy Isaiah, I'm happy I met you." I looked him in the eyes the color was so beautiful a mix of gold and brown.

He laid back in the grass looking up at the stars "Thank you Mason, it's really nice of you. I'm happy I met you too" 

I joined him and laid down in the cool grass, He put his hand down and I placed mine in his, interlacing our fingers.

This was such a nice night, with him and with the beautiful sky above.

I almost forgot about the storm of life in this moment. 

But soon we would have to go back and I would be reminded of the betrayal and hurt from my dad, my mom, that asshole down the hall and remember that I'm just an experiment here.

I really wish it wasn't this way, I wish all people could be as pure and sweet as Isaiah is. He is the only one that's always been completely honest with me. I wish this night could last forever with him.

I looked over and he was staring at me already with a small smile on his lips. I returned it and moved closer to him, laying my head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around me and started tracing small circles on my back. 

"Just so you know, Zachary was completely wrong, guys like you do deserve the presence of a nice girl." 

He kissed the top of my head "Thank you, this night has been better than I thought, you're really amazing Mason."

Maybe just maybe, life would be really good here. Even with an asshole two doors down.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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