Chapter 4.2 - Briefing

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The three Summit capes walked down the stairs to the front of the lecture hall. The room turned quiet as whispers cut off all at once. Supers shifted in their seats and sat up straight.

Mod half-watched. He kept his eye on the door, but no one else came in.

No Hunter Nine.

Mod wasn't sure if that made him feel better. He'd almost rather have seen the cape up and walking around. Rather seen him healed and maybe even holding a grudge. If Hunter Nine was still laid up in the hospital, how would his partner react?

Mod stiffened in his seat as the Summit capes cast scrutinizing glances across the room.

As far as Mod knew, neither Serenity nor Hunter Nine had seen his new combat suit. Hopefully, no reports had made it back to the Summit yet. Serenity had, however, seen Arsenal's exosuit, which stood behind them.

Serenity didn't miss it. Her eyes lingered on the exosuit and her eyes narrowed. She continued looking around the room, but then stared directly at Mod.

The first super, the woman dressed in golden armor, stepped forward. "My name is Luminara. This is Rohdan of the Runebound, and this is Serenity. We're not here to talk about the war. As far as you're concerned, nothing in Europe matters. Nothing in Africa, nothing in South America matters. Nothing in New York or Florida. Your only concern right now is our city and the safety of refugees on the outskirts. I understand that some of you might have family elsewhere in the States or abroad, but if you're working with us, you will be here until the situation is stable. Don't ask me when that will be because I don't know.

"You're sitting in this room because you've been fast-tracked for Summit evaluation. The Summit keeps tabs on promising masks—don't ask how. It doesn't matter. What matters is you're here now.

"Before you wade back into the city for patrol, you'll undergo basic competency tests with your abilities. Some of your abilities will be better suited to specific roles within a squad, but we pride ourselves on working with a variety of powersets.

"That being said, combat experience is good, but it isn't everything. Most of you are loners. No one in the Summit works alone. So if you want to work with us, you'll need to work on a team. This isn't an organization for hotshots or assholes. If you can't shelve that ego or fold it into something manageable, if you can't put the needs of Belport or your squad above your own, then you have no place in the Summit of Heroes.

"Serenity and Rohdan will lead your evaluations. We'll be taking you outside in small groups. Please wait here until a member of the Summit—"

Luminara's watch started beeping, followed by the other two capes' watches. A moment later, a siren sounded outside. The veteran capes didn't pause.

Luminara turned back to the room of waiting supers. "Wait here."

Serenity's glare fell on Mod, and his throat tightened.

"Mod, Arsenal... And your friends. You're coming with me."

Mod's group shared uneasy glances. Mod's face felt hot as the rest of the room turned and stared at them. Mutters rose like a wave coming in.

The other two capes paused at the unexpected turn, but neither of the other capes said anything.

Serenity waited for Arsenal to suit up and for both of them to get to the door. Then she escorted them out while the rest of the masks stayed behind.

Mod, Arsenal, McGuire, Cherry, Larian, and Krystal followed Serenity outside to the parking lot, where three military-style helicopters waited for them. Each bore the Summit S on the hull and each was modified so that they were smaller—narrower blade diameter and shorter tail—so that they could get in and out of urban environments easier.

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