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@HereComesDaSun22 thx for the idea!!!

So these are the books I've read so far this month... it seems like a lot but I only read this much in the beginning of the year 'cause like... motivation hits harder right after New Years. I still can't believe January is already over though. That went by fast.

Pointe by Brandy Colbert

Okay this took me a while to get through. Mainly because I kept on procrastinating in between, but it really was a great read. It has some mature content, and it approached some sensitive topics like food disorders and grooming, but I really did love the character development and how realistic it was.


Lightlark by Alex Aster (#1 in Lightlark Series)

Originally, I thought I wouldn't really like this at all. Mainly because one of my friends who read it said that the writing wasn't very good even though the idea was. But I absolutely fell in love with the world and the characters. Once again, a tad bit mature, but I loved it. The beginning wasn't very hooking, but it's impossible to put it down after a while.


NightBane by Alex Aster (#2 in Lightlark Series)

Just like the first book, I loved it and I cannot wait for the next book to come out because there were so many enticing plot twists and so many questions I want answered. Again, it was not very interesting at first, but you really get immersed after a while. The format was a little bit hard to understand, but once you get the hang of the difference between flashbacks and the present, it's amazhang.


The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielson (#1 in Ascendance Series)

LOVED IT. Okay so I really picked it up because my friend gave me the Cruel Prince for my birthday but it was the second in the series, and I didn't check for some reason so I thought this was the first book. Don't regret it though. Some of the things were overused, but for a reason and I really loved how the author played some of the plot twists through.


Why am I not rating any of these a perfect 10/10-

The Runaway King by Jennifer A. Nielson (#2 in Ascendance Series)

Just like the first one, loved it. Some parts made me cringe with second hand embarrassment but that's like every book, really.


The Shadow Throne by Jennifer A. Nielson (#3 in Ascendance Series)

Some parts really made me want to scream. I loved it, but to be honest, all the books in the series kind of blurred together for me so I had to search up a summary to remember the boundaries between the plots of the books.


Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger (#1 in Skyfall Series)

Okay, this was a reread, but I just love the series. It's amazhang and Shannon Messenger always delivers. it's definitely a lot more mature than the KOTLC series, but I really love it and it's always a classic.

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