straw hats

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You were rowing in your makeshift boat, as you decided what to make for lunch. You wanted it to be a little different than what you usually ate.

You saw a big ship. As you awed at it. Think how good you'll eat if you lore them. "Sanjiiiii, I'm so hungryyyyy!" You heard from the ship, as you could make out shapes of moving people.

"Calm down, luffy, well find an island when can hunt at." 'Bingo!' You knew how you'd lore them.

"Hey!" You yelled as you stood on your boat. Looking up at the big ship. As the people on in, peeked their heads out, looking at you.

"Wooooahhh! What a beautiful lady!" The blond man, amongst the others, yelled as he moved in a weird way. With heart eyes?

"Wow, you flattered me, but I heard you are in a small dilemma with food, am I correct." You plastered a fake smile as you forced yourself to blush. Courtesy of black ghost who slapped your cheeks.

"Yes! Do you have meat?" The boy, seeming no older than you. Seemed as if every lost energy he had was restored as he looked down at you. Before he used his arms to get closer to you. By his abilities that made you remember a certain hooked male.

Snapping out of it, you answered, "Of course I do, and are you perhaps a devil fruit user?" You asked, as you admired the young boy. "I do! Do you have one? And where's this meat at?"

"It seemed so, and sadly, I don't. It's back at my island." You answered as you had a well-kept facade of a frown.

"Well, let's go!" The boy who you still haven't had the name of yelled as he ordered the people on the ship, maybe his crew. Around. As a you started rowing the boat. Black ghost, gliding through the ships wood, as it surveillanced how many people were on the ship.


You and the group made it to the island. As you asked them their names.

"I'm monkey d luffy, and I'm gonna be the king of the pirates!" Straw hat boy said, as he pointed to himself. You nodded, with real stars sparkling in your eyes. Okay, you knew you couldn't eat the boy. He had too much enthusiasm to want to achieve his dream. You were a disgusting monster, but you had some humanity in you. Plus, this could be your ticket to finally going out to sea.

As the others stated there names. You nodded with stars. "My name's f/n, and my dream is to be a pirate." You said as you guided them towards your hut. Before you went inside,
you made Juanita dissolve into invisible black matter.

As you went towards the kitchen. You told them they could sit at the table, with some make room on the couch. Sanji offered to help you. You denied him saying that they were guests, and they could repay you by telling you about their adventures. He nodded, gushed about how you were a goddess for being so kind. You waved him away as you went to make some rice with curry stew for the others and some meat on a bone for luffy.

"Here you all go enjoy." You set the plates in front of them as they thanked you. You knew who vivi was, the princess of alabasta as you've heard from the stitched fuck, but your real question was why was she with a group of Pirates, " There's this warlord named crocodile who wants to destroy alabasta." Vivi said, as she almost had tears in her eyes. The man mentioned peeked your interest. As you went to ask about him. "We helped vivi because that what good pirates do! And because she's our friend." Luffy exclaimed cause the other to loudly agreed. It made your cold heart flutter as you listened in.

"You all must be lucky to have a sweet captain who would help others despite being a criminal." You asked the crew as they had some negative feedback. You giggled a little, watching the crew. As luffy was busy eating his food plus the others, because they had their attention to you.

"Why don't you join my crew?" Luffy said, as he was busy eating Nami's food, who noticed and got mad. He hit him across the head. "You brat!" She huffed as she went to the pot and got more. Now eating it while waiting for your answer.

"Sure." You said as you nodded before the others asked luffy about the pros and cons. Yet the boy was busy eating.

"F/n, are you sure? I mean, I know it's your dream. But you, no offense, seemed less experienced at sea." Nami said, as zoro and sanji nodded. Eating as they stopped luffy from trying to eat there's food.

"I'm sure and no offense taken, but I could learn, and I could take care for the ships cleaning, or be the rigger. I'm very good with my arm strength." You flexed as the others watched and listened to you babble about how good you were.

"Okay, then you'll be the rigger while also pertaining to cleaning the ship." Zoro said as he looked to the nodding luffy, who probably didn't understand anything.

"Nice!" You jumped, as you gave the blond male and the mossy haired male directions to where the easy hunting animals were and where the predatory animals were.

"Thank you, goddess!" Sanji swooned as he kneeled on his knee to kiss you palm. You blushed now, seeing how handsome he is up close and realizing how human contact deprived you were.

"Thanks." Zoro turned toward the woods, as he took three steps in before ending up on the predatory animals section of the forest. "Zor..." You tried to call out for him, but danji stopped you with a shake of his head.

"He may be directionly challenged, but he isn't weak." Sanji let the smoke of his cigarette flow from his lips, ashe swooned before walking to the easier path, the easy-animals-to-catch-path.

As you left them to hunt. You walked towards where Nami, Chopper, and Ussop plus Vivi were at. As they seemed like they had questions.

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