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°• Isla - Flashback •°

"How about we move to Georgia?" Mom said, only two weeks back. The family was sitting at dinner, a Friday night. They were supposed to be eating pizza or pasta, but Mom decided to cook the left over lobster they still have.

"Georgia?" Gavin and Isla asked. The red haired siblings were sitting next to each other, Gavin's face full of food while a fork of lighter meat and potato being welcomed into Isla's.

"Have you gone mad, Jessica?" Dad asked, slamming his fists into the table. "I ain't moving to no Georgia!"

"Our landlord will evict us soon!" Mom argued. "Would you rather be homeless, Paul? We can move in with my mom and then we'll both find a job and pay for our own house. And don't slam your fists into the table! I paid money for that!"

"Oh, and just quit my well paying job?" Dad asked, standing up. "Hell no. I get paid 500 dollars a week, and I work overtime! You want me to just waste that away?"

"We have one more week before our landlord comes," Gavin said, stepping up. Isla stared at him. "Dad, if you work overtime and come home late tomorrow, your boss might pay you more and you'll get more money. Mom, you could do the same. Isla will ride the bus like usual, and I'll look for jobs in Georgia, if we do move there."

"Woah," Isla frowned. "What about me? I could do a dog-walking business. I could sell lemonade for five dollars per drink! Let me help!"

"And where do you plan on getting ten dog leashes from? The pet store thirty minutes away?" Mom snapped. "And lemonades that cost more than what you sell them for?" Isla shrugged, her red hair cascading down her shoulders. Dad scoffed and Gavin snorted. "Please, Isla. Don't start."

"Can we just finish the dinner and worry about this another day? I have work tomorrow," Dad grumbled, sitting back down slowly and dropping food into his mouth. Mom looked at him with disgust.

"Fine. And for goodness sake," Mom snapped at him, her blue eyes bulging with anger. "Be here before we go to church, and for goodness sake, please don't show up drunk if you don't meet us here first."


Isla was already down stairs when Gavin ran down stairs with his toothbrush in his mouth and still in his sleep clothed. His red hair was all ruffled  and he scratched his head so much, she thought he had lice.

"Morning, sunshine," Isla taunted. He glared at her and grabbed some bread and out two in the toaster.

Then, he spit out the mixture of his spit and toothpaste in the kitchen sink and rinsed his mouth like ten times before he started washing his face.

"Gavin," Mom said, suddenly coming into the kitchen. She was wearing a really fancy outfit, torquise and white, her normal work clothes. Her brown hair was curled and bouncy against her shoulders."How many times do I have to tell you to stop using your bathroom stuff in the kitchen sink? That's why you and Isla share a bathroom!"

"Sorry," Gavin said, rinsing out his hair. "Do you want me to drive Isla to school?"

"No," Isla said. "Carrie's going to walk to school, so I want to walk with her, too."

"You and that girl," Mom smiled. "Y'all do everything together. You better tell her you're leaving for Georgia." Isla and Gavin's jaw dropped.

"We're actually doing it? Like moving to that state? Seriously?" Isla asked. "We have to move there?"

"Yes, so tell her," Mom said. "You, too, Gavin. Tell your girlfriend and all your football friends." Gavin's face fell and he nodded. "Now get ready to go to school."


"You're actually moving?" Carrie gasped. "You're planning to leave me?"

Isla rolled her eyes. "I'm not leaving you. Our landlord doesn't want to give us more time to pay rent, so we're moving to Georgia with my grandma until we have enough money to move back." Carrie's luscious blond locks looked just as stressed out as her face.

"Seriously? I can't just send you guys like  1,000 dollars and make you stay here?" She asked. Her bright colored clothes seemed quite inappropriate for this conversation. Plus the clear skies and the bright sun peeking out.

"Nope," Isla said, looking down at her black shoes and khaki jeans. "Our rent is much more than that. And since we didn't pay the last one, it's over 2,000 dollars."

"2,000!" Carrie whispered quietly. "My gosh, Isla! That not as much as our bills."

"Our bills are worse," she promptly said, and Carrie almost fainted. She was brought back to life and sighed, sniffling.

The school sad only a little while away, and some other kids were running to get to their early class on time.

"I'm going to miss you, whenever you leave," Carrie said, tears in her eyes. Isla smiled sadly at her and looked down. "Really, I am."

"I know. And I'll miss you, too."

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