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They were stopped at a large intersection, card surrounding them of all types and colors. Dad was not having it. He kept honking his horns at every person in their cars, flipping them off. Old ladies in trucks stared him up and down and rolled their eyes.

"Paul, chill," Mom said, looking up from her phone. Her brown hair cascading down her shoulders. "It's only ten. People are trying to get where they need to go. You aren't so different from them."

"I know," Dad grumbled, reaching up to scratch his red beard. "I just want to get to this damn place and go to bed. And I need to find a bar 'round here."

"There isn't gonna be a bar any where here," Mom  muttered, looking back on her phone. "Let's stop at a Chick-Fa-La over there. We need breakfast."

"And the dinner we missed," Gavin said quietly, digging under his finger nails. Isla stared at him with weary eyes.

She turned on her phone, her lock screen showing her and Carrie screaming together on a rollercoaster. It was horribly blurry, literally the only thing that you could see was flying hair and horrified faces. Like most roller coasters, people were supposed to put their cell phones in these cubbies so that you won't lose them, but Isla was stupid back then, so she CLEARLY wouldn't listen.

In a couple of moments, they had spotted a Chick-Fa-La and were turning toward it. Dad made a hard right and pulled in to the busy restaurant. They were in traffic the whole time and it was only a minute later that a little lady came up to our car with a smiling face and the red uniform.

Dad rolled down the window and smiled. Isla covered her mouth to stop her giggling. His smile looked so forced and horribly hilarious.

"Good morning," the lady smiled. "How can I help you?" From Isla's view, she could see the lady's name tag which said: Carol.

"I'll get a Chick-fa-la deluxe and then three chicken sandwiches. And I want a meal for the deluxe. A large fries and a coke," Dad answered. Mom opened her mouse and smacked his shoulder with the back of her hand, but he didn't even bother to look at her.

"Alright. What's the name for the order?" Carol asked.

"Paul," Dad said. She nodded, put a number on our car and said, "Your total will be $19.76. Have a great day."

"Thanks," Dad grumbled.

"My pleasure," Carol smiled before walking off to the next car.

When he drove off, Mom popped off. "You didn't even ask what we wanted!"
"I thought we were saving money!"

Dad argued. "I couldn't get what all of you wanted!"

"You couldn't just get fries for us?" Gavin asked. Dad swiveled his head to glare at him.

"Be grateful I bought you anything, you bitch!" Dad snarled. Isla turned away from him and tried to focus on the outside. "I'll eat your sandwich too and you can starve until we get to your damn grandmother's."

"PAUL," Mom screamed, slapping the side of his face.

"WOMAN, PUT YOUR MOTHERFUCKING HAND DOWN," He roared, twisting her arm.

Isla had enough and covered her ears. "Stop it!" She screamed. "Stop it! Act like civil people instead of competing wolves! Oh my gosh!" Gavin looked over with his eyes wide and his hand classes over his mouth. Mom's eyes we're so wide in terror that Isla could see her green pupils. Dad slowly turned his head toward her and released Mom, only doing that to grab her thigh and pinch it. Isla shrieked, trying to pull away, but his grasp was too hard.

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