XVIII¤ The Mission

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Before this chapter starts I would like to give a big thanks to @theotherday for the amazing cover!! She's made two and the second one with be the official cover for this story once it's completed cx. Alright well enjoy this chapter.

"No, Ael isn't trained for this kind of mission." I comment. Dante just stood and listened to Merek's proposal.

"Lord Dante. This will benefit not just us but you too. If the lycans win do you really think they'll stop after defeating us? They will continue to fight against other species. They'll come after humans." Merek explains.

"He's never picked up a weapon in his life. They would be going in blind. Just let Joseph do it. He will be enough." Dante replies.

"They won't just accept a grown man but if a child is with him... Well things would go a lot smoother."

"When would they leave?" I look at Dante. Is he actually agreeing?

I roll my eyes and direct my attention to Merek. "2 days before we do. Like that they won't suspect a think."

"Joseph, you have 4 days till you leave with Ael. Make those days count. Train him and I'll give him one final lesson before you leave." Dante explains.

"Make that two. I would also like to teach Ael something." I add.

"Very well. Joseph, begin." Merek commands. Joseph nods and leaves the room. Something feels odd though.

"What happened to Joseph?"


"He doesn't have your smell anymore." I comment.

"I freed him from me."

"And why would you do that?"

He smirks and walks away. Well that was extremely rude. At least answer with words.

I follow Joseph's scent and I end up in the back yard. I lay with Krasivaya and the other tigers. We all watch Ael begin his training.

Very harsh training.

I frown. I've become soft. Maybe it's because it's Ael?

He spots me and runs to my side. "why do I have to do this?! I'm not trained and I will not do such violent things."

"You are the best candidate. If you want to try getting out of it then speak to Dante but he will say the same things I have told you." I look up at him and pause as his reaction sinks in. He's extremely afraid. But why?

"Why are you afraid?"

"I've finally left that room, yes I'm scared of what's out there but I also want to see more of the world. I don't want to fight. I don't want to die. I'll die if I leave with Joseph, I just know it."

"Then do everything in your power to survive. It's truly simple. And if your worried about dying, don't be. You have Joseph and you have yourself to keep you alive."

"Myself?" He pouts not understanding.

"Joseph told you what you are correct?"

He nods, "I'm a Lycan. What about it?"

"Lycans are powerful therefore, your powerful."

"I'm not-"

"You are." I raise my voice.

"I'll die." He insists.

"Everyone has the ability to survive. All a person needs is motivation. You know what your motivation is?"

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