I'm His Pet (Boy x Man)

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Before we get started, this book has been fully edited and published on Amazon Kindle! 


or on my profile, you can check it out! The book will still be available to read here it just won't have all the edits. Enjoy!

Christopher on the side ----------------->

Chapter I Hello

"Come boy!" The old hag harshly give me the order.

"I just have one question."

"Go on I'm listening." She hurries me.

"Why choose me? I'm nothing but trouble and I care for no one but myself. I am selfish and heartless-"

"I did not choose you my child, the spirits of passed witches and nature chose you... are you ready to accept your fate?"

"I would be lying if I said I was." I try to force myself to smile but it doesn't work.

The old hag smiles, "let's start."

"So what will you do?" I ask trying not to sound nervous.

"I will chant a powerful spell then I will give you my blood then I will kill you." She explains simply.

I swallow hard, "is that all?"

"I won't know what will happen afterwards but I do know that this spell with soon be discovered, when? I am not sure but it will and there will be others like you."

"Then why do you need me?"

"That my boy you will find out in the future." She finishes looking over something then looks intensely into my eyes, "we shall begin, lay down over there." She looks towards the center of the room. It has a peculiar symbol drawn on the floor.

"Is that blood?" I ask. The closer I get the stronger the smell is.

"Yes it is."

Laid down I wait patiently for her to continue. "Now my boy, this will hurt but be strong." I simply nod. I close my eyes hoping it would at least help with the pain. The second she says the first word in a language I do not recognize, a pain so strong, stronger than any I've ever felt consumes my body. I begin to cry and scream. She ignores me and continues to chant the spell.

My head is going to explode! I roll over onto my stomach and begin to pound and scratch the ground. "Do not move!"

"I can't, it hurts!" My body suddenly stops and I fall. The pain is completely gone but I can't move my body. The old hag rolls me over and cuts her wrist. She opens my mouth and her blood begins to flow in and down my throat. I feel it but I can't do anything about it. The blood just flows down and slowly travels to my stomach. The blood feels similar to the thickness of syrup.

My stomach starts getting very hot. "What's happening?" I manage.

"It will be over in a second or two."

It feels like my body went up in flames. "I can't-" my lungs start burning and it is getting very difficult to breathe! My heart...


I stand up and it surprises me how light I am. I look towards the old hag, "hello."

"You are... beautiful" she looks confused. Did she do something wrong?

I lick my lips, "thank you." I smile walking towards her. "What now?" I ask. My voice has turned into a very calming one. It's odd.

"You go to sleep." She guides me to a coffin in a hole in the dirt.

"Then I shall... but first" I turn to her and bite her neck. The red liquid is sweet and emitting power. "Delicious." I lick my lips for extra blood then I jump down the hole and I step into the coffin. Well at least it's my size. The moment I close the lid of the coffin I hear something fall on it. I try to open the coffin but it's not letting me.

"That hag and her traps."

Since I'm trapped I'll just sleep like she told me.

I open my eyes only to see nothing. Complete darkness and an enclosed space. Didn't I just close my eyes a second ago? I'm positive I did... I push the coffin lid open and see the sun. Wasn't I not able to get out a second ago? I'm lost, where am I?

I stand up and realize it's not the sun I was looking at, it was something similar but what? "Freeze!" I turn to see a man with strange clothing and something in his hands. I look around and see other men with the same clothing.

"You are?" I ask the man.

He seems lost in his own world and doesn't reply. "We are us ,who are you?" Another man answers the question.

"I am I" I retort.

I move to step out of the coffin but then the men lift up the objects in their hands. "Freeze, don't move!"

"You do not tell me what to do." I tell the man. I hear a strange sound that is a pain to listen to come towards me. I move my head slightly to the right and hear it pass. I hear another one and this time I catch it with my thumb and index finger. I closely examine it and it feels different. It's hard and hot.

"What is it?" I ask.


"Will you not answer my simply question?" I ask.

"It's a bullet." One says staggering.

"It is hot and hard, will it hurt if it hits someone?"

"Yes it will."

"Hmm..." I flick it at the direction of a man that is a disgrace to watch and it hits his forehead then blood starts flowing out and he falls. "It did."

The smell of the blood is in the air. I smile and breathe in deeply. "You killed him!"

"It seems so" I reply looking at the dead man, "his blood has already gone cold." I frown. I stretch and crack my neck. "Enough talk, where am I?" I ask.

They look at one another, "no where." One simply says.

"Alright then if you won't tell me I will have to find out for myself." I step out of the coffin and then that sound appears again. Not wanting to hear it I killed every man in that room by sucking them dry. The sound is still there, echoing through room and into my ears. It does fade.

I see the light of the moon... I walk towards it and end up outside. In that moment I hear loud noises and people screaming and I feel death in the air. It's like a poison that wraps around my body. It's suffocating. I begin to run using my vampiric power and in a second I stop in front of a castle. It looks familiar...

I hear noise inside and enter; running to it. The noise irritates me. I kill the people and end up sitting on the floor with a head in my hands. I stand up and look at a very handsome man with a long object in his hand.

I walk to him and I say, "hello."

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I'm His Pet ManxMan COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now