Chapter 1

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My human name, I do not remember it. All I can remember is what my Sire, the vampire Invictus, gave to me. Apparently I was not alive. But I was human. No more. I became something entirely different. Gives a whole new meaning to the term undead. For that is what a vampire is. But that does not matter.

My sire Invictus lived for millennia. He saw the world change. The stories he could tell are immeasurable. Countless. Old and new. For him, what could happen today would not be so different from yesterday. For him, yesterday could mean ten years ago, or 100 years ago, or even 1000 years ago.

Some called him a living legend. Others called him a challenging opponent. I simply called him old man. I do not care if he achieved anything more than he could in his life. I do not care if he approves of my way of addressing him. I do not care if he will want to kill me or let me live. All I care to do is what I see as right, and do my own right.

He brought me back to life. He found me buried in a lost cemetery of Faleria. He dug me out then used forbidden magic to bring me back to life. As soon as my human flesh was restored, he quickly turned me. Apparently, I was some sort of experiment for him. Few have ever wondered what would happen if you could bring back the dead and then turn them into something else? As you can see, I am that very result. Much more, I will not say.

For nearly ten years Invictus, he guided me, taught me, trained me. They say that if the dead are brought back; they lose something. Whatever that is, I would have no idea. But so far I seem to have not lost anything. Not my desires, not my reasoning, not my instincts, except my body. It seemed I was missing my right eye. Even Invictus was perplexed by the fact that my eye was missing. So I guess whoever I was in my past life would have his reason as to why I am lacking right now, whatever that was. But missing an eyeball? That is far too curious. No clues whatsoever. Among the few belongings in my old coffin, there was an old rusty dagger, dusty rags upon my dead flesh. And finally. A magical artefact. A magic eye. That was held in small, very thin metal rings. At the end of the chain, there was a small claw like piece, which we both learned later on, was used to grab inside a socket to help the wearer use the Eye.

The old man and I guessed that the item in question was meant for me from my living days. So naturally, without hesitation, we put it to the test and sure enough, it magically attached itself to my socket and immediately started working. The eyeball glowed a green hue and it helped me see. So I guess my mortal self owned something of great value, at least for the time when I was alive. And once more, in my second life.

Yet I can still remember the frown on my old man as he saw me bear this magical item. He warned me not to tell anyone of this item for if they found out, they would try to take it from me. Although sceptical for some reason, I gave him my word. I would never let anyone know of this magical eye of mine. So with the coming years, my sire made sure that I would learn what I needed. The common sense of the world. The history of the world, the languages, the cultures of the world. Many creatures and entities and deities that lived in this world. For Faleria was not the only land that i would learn to know of.

Faleria is a continent, One of nine continents, to be exact. This whole world is named Tebigol, and its many deities rule it. My god, if you are so curious to know, is named Zarro, the Blood Dragon God. He brought forth the Dragons of the air, earth, fire and water, later on the vampires. He serves, as many other deities, the mother goddess Pirrya. For she created our world. The continents, the oceans, the mountains, the seas, the forests, the rivers. Life and death. Law and order. Traditions. Customs. Culture. And so much more. She started it all. And the rest of the gods serve her will and deliver it upon us all.

For nearly 10 years, the old man burdened me with knowledge that no mortal could wrestle in that short time, then suddenly without explanation, he stood up, alert and concerned, looking off into the far North-West, then told he is leaving for Zarusso, the homeland of vampires. At first I thought he was ordering me to follow him, but he surprised me when he hugged me and told me.

“One day, my Childe, one day you will come to the homeland, but until then, you will roam the lands and sail the seas and oceans. Challenge the unknown, face the odds against you, live as you deem worth your time or stay and contemplate that which interests you. Come only when I send for you. Your Coven brothers will come to bring you to the home land.”

Such passionate words were said to me. It felt unreal, but each syllable was said with conviction, and I felt relieved, for this was my sire’s blessing to live as I wished.

“Worry yourself not of the news you will one day hear from the homeland. Do not trouble with visits or travels in that direction. Unless your Coven brothers come to pick you up, do not be concerned. I wish you a life of bountiful events be in your favour, for peace is the wishful thinking of the foolish.”

With that, he gave me a fatherly smile and departed, leaving his Childe behind.

So with that said, I have absolutely no idea what to do or where to go. Definitely no idea what may come my way. And if I am honest, I quite welcome it. For facing the unknown, in my opinion, is far more interesting than being burdened with the knowledge of a task that must be faced sooner rather than later.

But I digress. So I left the cave. The hole I was raised in was deep inside a forest, where few ever venture. So I knew that it would not be discovered anytime soon. Leaving the forest was simple for me, but I understand that humans dare not venture in it, let alone step close to it, for the beasts are very dangerous to say the least. Not even a small army could survive the dangers of this forest. So naturally I won't have to bother with the location of the cave for any reason.

It was no trouble leaving the forest, for no living beast dared face a deadly predator such as myself. And now, in the dead of the night, I left the infamous Hattos Forest to find my own way in this vast world. Who and what may come my way? What have the gods planned for me? What foes will I face? What weaklings will I instil terror? So much to see and I will enjoy taking my time to savour this life of mine.

Ah yes, I forgot a crucial detail in all of this. My name is Appolonius.

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