Chapter 6

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Seasons come and go, weather is ever changing, the wind is always blowing in any and all directions.

Time is our friend and our foe. If these countless stars could tell us the forgotten tales, then maybe time would be better understood. For time waits for no one.

“Ugh. I hate this colour!” Complained Zelossia. At the age of 17, she stood before the mannequin that she dragged up to show me. The mannequin presented her new dress in a sublime shade of emerald green that she would have to wear, at a great party with countless guests. She explained that it was a huge event, her uncle assured her that many would be present, royalty included.

“Honestly, I think it suits you. The dress’ colour really brings out the colour of your eyes.” And it was true. The dress simply would enhance the colour of her green eyes. But then again, it would bring out the full height and beauty and, dare I say it, after the hair and makeup, will enhance her even more. “I dare say, if the townsfolk have nothing but adulation and admiration, then I would wager a small fortune that nobody will be able to remove their eyes from you for an entire evening.”

I may have gone a bit too far in my compliments, but it seemed to have done the trick. She was rigid and livid all day long, and anyone could feel it, yet my words seemed to have helped her relax. She turned and gave me a small glare.

“Don’t encourage anyone, even if they are not here, please.”

I couldn’t help chuckle as I sat on the chair. Over the years, she had claimed the attic room as her private study, where she would handle all manner of issues. A small decision she and her uncle had come to agree, that is, after she challenged him to a game of chess and easily defeated him. Her prize was this very large and impressive room.

With a cheeky smile, I simply wave my hand in a peaceful gesture, promising no ill will. She nods and turns back at the target of her ire.

“Sometimes...” she spoke softly, clearly changed her tone and I could hear the longing in her voice “… I wish they would be here to assure me.”

She was talking about her parents. Even after so long, she still missed them. She still had her brothers, but they were already busy. Just as she would grow up, so did her 3 brothers. They became proud young men to raise the name of Lafuntin to great heights.

As she made Banstra her new home, her brothers made the Town of Heldrez, the centre of all trade in the West of Faleria. Not a piece of wood, stone, metal, fabric has not come and gone through the famous Sholut Market. All manners of trades would be achieved and recognised. And the Word goes these days that all falerian markets would look to see a certification of authenticity from there. If they had it, its value in coins alone is well spent.

The “Word”. It was the coming and going of news all over. Came from an old legend of Pirrya. The short version is after she woke up from a long sleep, she asked the other gods ‘What’s the word in the world of mortals now that I am awake?’ and they would tell her all that had happened, from the old world and life that she knew before she went to sleep, to all matters that transpired. And so, with time, the gods themselves would ask mortals, ‘What’s the word?’ and they would be answered. Naturally, the mortals would do as well, and so the ‘Word’ was ever since the way to address of what was happening in the world.

As much as she would love to have a chance at helping her brothers there, she knew deep down she could never live there. Too many ill memories still haunt her. Hence why she made Banstra her home. She already has some recognition for her vast knowledge. All manner of trade is known to her. The Word even goes that she could best not only her brothers and their staff members, but even her uncle’s.

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