Chapter 4

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Well, there’s a word I never thought I would find myself attached to. And yet, this particular matter, I find it comforting to a certain degree.

It started about a couple of months after I came to a secret agreement with Lord Bastrox. I kept an eye for anything and anyone that dared approach the town. On that particular night, I shall never forget it. It was the ending of summer, the leaves slowly began drying up, the townsfolk was merry for they were celebrating. An important Falerian holiday. It mattered little for me.

As I was making my way in and around the town, listening to any trouble, I heard it. Oh Zarro, did I ever hear it. As sorrowful and tearful, yet crystal clear to my ears. I frowned. It was the sound of a young human child crying in the distance. A short minute later, I located the sad noise in the direction of the Lord’s mansion.

Now, for any other living being nobody would be really concerned or bother with a child crying. But to me? Oh no, it was much more than a cry of sadness. It was a song, a lament if you will. At least for the untrained and uninterested ear. Not to me, it was a desperate call for help, her bawling, quivering, sobs, were a torture to my ears, and I was determined… no, I was driven with the will to bring peace to the owner of such sorrowful despair.

Soon I found myself, before the gates of the mansion. And the lights, as I expected for the evening were bright for a great party. Yet my ears were fixated on that voice. Without sparing a moment, I jumped over the gates and carefully made my way closer to the Mansion. Sure enough the crying was getting louder, yet nobody seemed to be bothered by it. All were in a festive mood, which made me frown in confusion, if but for a mere second.

Gazing up at the second floor, were fewer windows, and one was open. Sure enough, my hearing picked up the cry from that very window. Wasting no time, I silently climbed up the wall, using the Eye to cover my presence. No need to bring unwanted attention.

As soon as I grabbed the window sill with my hand, the crying stopped with a gasp, tiny steps backing away. Lifting myself up, I set my gaze on a small child.

She was a 10-year-old girl. Her small face, burdened with tears, grief and sadness. Her tiny, delicate hands held on to a plush toy. She had long, red hair, similar to the setting sun, but more vibrant. Her green eyes as well, although clouded by the heavy tears that would not stop pouring down her soft cheeks, were very much clear to me.

I froze. Not because she was a small child. Or that she was crying. Or that she had seen me. But because I felt something. As if a swift wind rushed inside my chest, getting hotter and hotter until it burst into a flame. The flame, was so small yet comforting inside me. The next thing I felt, was the flame moving. Wrong, it was searching for something. Like a sharp needle, it stung me, so I jolted forward, standing straight before this tiny, beautiful human.

Seeing my act, one would expect for her to scream and run away. But the scream never came. Her feet did not move, not one inch. She gazed up at me, her tears ceased for the moment. She mustered the courage and cleared her voice and in the most gentle of voices, she said fearfully ‘Have you come to take me too?’

I was confused. Take her? Who would come take her? I didn’t know her. Yet the flame was compelling me to answer her. ‘No.’

The moment I answered her, the flame erupted and reached out for her. As soon as its warmth touched her she gasped, not in fear, but in childish wonder. Then our bodies glowed. Wrong. We were shining as we basked in the warmth of the inner flame. A lifetime could have passed and we wouldn’t know. I for one would really not care.

The little girl’s eyes were now fixed on me. And I could tell that even though she cried and was sad, the warmth gave her the comfort she was missing. As if a parent that held the child , promising no wrong or evil to reach out for her. But even before that, I would definitely not let anyone bring harm to her, let alone look at her with ill intent.

Suddenly her legs gave up on her and I swiftly moved picking her up and holding her to my chest, her tiny hands grasped my shirt tight, her forehead leaned on my shoulder, breathing deeply, her red hair was in my face. I could not help it and I took a deep breath.

Oh, Zarro!!! Her scent was so pure and unique. I dare to say, her scent is unlike anything I ever smelled. Just like when one is thinking of a word, yet they struggle to both remember it and say it, her scent is so impossibly difficult to describe, but oh so perfect.

I find myself holding her to me, enraptured by her scent, as she leans against me, no longer frozen, but comfortable. It seems that now, we are somehow connected. Magic truly is a wonder that nobody can truly understand. Eventually, I will have to research what this situation of ours is. For now, we both bask in each others presence.

Eventually she moves to get a better look at me. The first thing she does is to place her hand on my cheek. I can’t help but smile at her daring act. Yet seeing me smile, tells me that she likes my smile. So she shyly smiles back. Oh by the grace of Pirrya, she is so sweet.

‘My name is Zelossia Lafuntin. What’s your name?’ She asked, soft and slow, as if she was worried that saying something, anything really, would be the undoing of a spell. And I felt that she did not want whatever this was to end. Not anytime soon.

With an amused, yet gentle smile, I answer her. ‘Appolonius. You have a very beautiful name, Zelossia.’ Hearing me compliment just for her name, she is easily embarrassed. Her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes, where once were filled with tears, are now sparkling with hints of happiness and shyness. Her hair is a vibrant shade of red and it frames her face in soft waves. Coupled with her innocent, wondrous and curious looks, makes her look charming and endearing, which captivates me ever so much.

If it were not for the lateness of the night, let alone that she was a human child in need of sleep, I would have spent every moment with her. But I couldn't that. I was already breaking the condition of secrecy set by Lord Bastrox.

So to put it short, the reason the young and sweet Zelossia Lafuntin was up and alone, crying, on a night of celebration, was due to the fact that her mother had died on that very day, due to an illness, yet she couldn’t be there with her, because her entire family, her three brothers and father were also sick. Worst part, they lived in another city. She was taken away, a painful decision made by her parents, to protect her, by sending her to be cared and raised by her uncle, Lord Bastrox.

With every word that she told me, the warmth helped me understand her emotions, so I did my best to soothe her pain and help her return to her bedroom and help her go to sleep, But not before she asked if she would see me again.

Now I was at a crossroad. On one hand I have to respect my agreement with her uncle, but on the other hand, this sweet child, who now shares a bond with me, asks me to break that very agreement. Well, if I were a mortal, I would clearly be sweating and struggling. But since I’m not , I simply smiled, reassuring her.

‘As long as you wish it, I will always be there for you, Zelossia Lafuntin. However, I can only do so if you promise to keep our meetings secret. If you do so, I will always come back.’ And she quickly promised. And so have I.

Well, suffice to say, from that night, I was obsessed with her. Don’t get me wrong. My obsession was not of the vampire variety. No. I was smitten with her. I wanted to cherish and protect her. I couldn’t rest well if I didn’t see her. A craving for blood, you ask? None. It made no sense, but it felt right. And I would have an explanation soon. For both of us. 

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