I want to be alone.
I want to hide under pounds of blankets, and shut out the world.Shut out the voices of people who force you to listen and push you to be someone you aren't.
I don't want to be your perfect Barbie doll and I can't.
I love what I love and I hate what I hate and you can judge me for it
but you can never tell me it's wrong to feel what I feel.I just want you to understand. I want you to see the world from my eyes and realize how much I'm hurting. How it feels to never be able to catch your breath when you're surrounded by fresh air or how it feels to be spinning so fast you can barely hold on.
I want you to feel that so next time you open your mouth you remember what felt through me and you realize you never really knew me even when you thought you did.
Original Poems
PuisiOriginal poems and short stories I have written. Please do not steal.