𝐂𝐡.𝟓 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤

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𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝

"Fist of flowing water, Crushed Rock." Bang stood in a pose, showcasing his technique.

(Y/n), Saitama and Genos were called into the Dojo by Bang himself telling them a technique he had, which was the flowing water, crushed rock.

"This is the cool thing you said you wanted to show us?" Saitama said, feeling scammed. "I'll pass. You do it, Genos."

"No, I will pass too" Genos replied.

"Why does the name have to be so long?" (Y/n) commented, used to bang inviting her into dojo to convince her to join.

"You punks! You dare mock our fighting style?! I, Charanko, the top disciple, challenge you-" He was cut off by Genos grabbing him by the neck. But (Y/n quickly came to Charanko's aid and gently shooed Genos away from Charanko. Genos hesitated at first but since you were around he decided to let go.

Both returned sitting down and a grateful Charanko blushing at (Y/n)'s kind gesture.

"Is he really your best student?" Genos inquired, taking a stern glance at Charanko.

"hmm, afraid so.." Bang said, no hesitation in his face.
"But I heard your dojo was full of skilled fighters" Genos stated.

"Hmm" Bang thought "Well, one of my disciples went wild. He beat my most skilled students so badly they're all out of commission. The other got scared and quit, understandable but unfortunate." Bang explained.

"Is he really that strong?" Saitama asked, coming out of no where. "He sounds like a good sparring partner" (Y/n) mummured, interest of meeting another Material Artist besides the old man.

"What's his name?" Saitama asked, curious of the disciple.

"Garou" Bang answered.

'Garou?' (Y/n) repeated in her head. Zoning out of the conversation. Where did she hear that name before? Lost in thought, she pondered through every memory she had, why did that name sound so similar?? and like one of those cartoons, a light bulb popped up.

'I remember now! It was when-'

Suddenly a hero association employee came bursting through the door. "Mr. Silverfang! The Association sent me! An emergency summons has been
issued to all Class S heroes! Please come to
Association Headquarters!" Taking a quick breath he also noticed (Y/n) and Genos.

"Oh (Y/n), Genos you're also here?! Since all Class S heroes have been summoned, please come too!"

"Here we go.. Charanko, look after the dojo" Bang instructed.

"Saitama you should also come they may need your help too." (Y/n) said, looking at Saitama.
"Yes Master, all S class is being summoned" Genos agreed. "Will you come?"

"I will...since I got nothing to do"



(Y/n), Saitama, Genos and bang walked through the hallways of the building, who were met by another S class hero.

"Ayy, Silverfang, (Y/n)" Atomic samurai greeted, with his gruff voice. Giving a slight smile.
"It's been a while Atomic samurai" Bang, reciprocated the smile. "Yeah, I guess it's been a while" (Y/n) said, not remembering the last interaction.

"I figured you'd guys come." Atomic samurai stated, noticing a pair behind you and silverfang. "And this is the cyborg Genos and.. Who's this?" Atomic Samurai questioned, looking at Saitama.

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