Yes Dude Yes

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The duo are playing a video game as (Y/n) walks up to them with two tickets. "Dudes, I got them. Tickets to a free screening of Love Bot 2." (Y/n) said. "Aw, sweet!" Rigby jumps off couch. "The first one was so lame." Rigby moves his arms like a robot. "I AM A ROBOT, I CAN NOT LOVE." He laughs. "Come on, call Sam, Margaret and Eileen, we can all go make fun of it." Rigby said.

"Uh... actually, I only got two tickets. I'm gonna ask Sam to go." (Y/n) said. "Aw, what? But we do everything together." Rigby said. "Exactly, Sam and I will never be more than just friends with you guys tagging along." (Y/n) turns around and smiles. "It's time to take this to the next level." She said. The duo huffed, crossing their arms and turning away from her. "What's gotten into you two?" (Y/n) asked. "Nothing." Rigby jumps on the couch.

"Do your thing." He grabs a video game controller. "Have fun." Mordecai said. (Y/n) stands in front of the window at the Coffee Shop. She takes a deep breath. "Okay, you gotta do it. You just gotta do it." She walks to the window and points to her reflection. "You got this." She takes another deep breath and peeks into the window. She sees Sam standing in front of an unknown girl on his knee and (Y/n) runs to open the door, and runs inside. "Yes, dude, yes!" She hugs Sam and looks into his eyes making (Y/n) shocked. (Y/n) is in her room and music is playing in the background.

Her legs are on her bed and the rest of her body is on the floor. Her hair is disheveled. Mordecai knocks on the door. "(Y/n)? Are you in there?" He asked. "(Y/n)?" Rigby asked. She groans in pain as Rigby opens her door. "I know it must hurt, (Y/n), but you've been listening to that song on repeat for, like, five days now." Rigby said. He knocks again. "Hello?" The door opens revealing the depressed (Y/n) as she walks out. "Hey, (Y/n). You okay?"Mordecai asked softly.

(Y/n) completely ignores him. "So, I was thinking—" (Y/n) walks to the bathroom and closes the door. "Come on, (Y/n)." The toilet flushes. (Y/n) walks out, but Rigby blocks her path. "(Y/n), come on." Rigby said. "What?" She asked. "We're sick of seeing you like this, (Y/n). All sad and junk." Rigby said. "You smell like something died." Mordecai said. "Something did die." (Y/n) grabs her chest. "Inside of me." She releases her chest. "My heart." She said. "Forget that, you don't need a heart." Rigby said. Mordecai punches Rigby for that. "Ow!" He said, and (Y/n) turns around and is a little frustrated. "You don't get it, Rigby." She points. "The love of my life is getting married to some other girl. Do you know how that feels?" She asked. At this Rigby gets pissed.

"The love of your life?! It's not like you guys were even dating." Rigby said angrily. (Y/n) gets angry and growls at him, and Rigby flinches and quickly puts his paws up. "Whoa! I'm sorry, okay?" Rigby asked, and (Y/n) sighs. "It's fine Rigby. Although now that I think about it... there is this site that Eileen told me about. Maybe I should try it." (Y/n) said. The trio are later at the computer. "Couple Corral? Where findin' pardners is a fine howdy-do?" (Y/n), I don't think you should start internet dating." Mordecai said. "What? Why?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah (Y/n), never go with a predator to a second location."

Rigby said, and she rolls her eyes. "I doubt this site has any predators, Rigby." She said. "Well, that site is for, like, cowboys or something." Mordecai said. "Well, I guess I'm a cowgirl, then, 'cause I just signed up!" (Y/n) said. "What?!" The duo asked as they turn around and raise their arms in the air. "Nah, it's cool, dudes, it's legit." (Y/n) types on her keyboard. "Look, check out my profile." She said. The duo look at her profile. "Likes video games, goofin' off and grilled cheese?" Mordecai raises his hand. "(Y/n), you make yourself sound like a dork!" He puts his hand down, and she smirks. "Probably because I've been hanging around two dorks so much."

She said, and the duo groan. "Well, good luck, (Y/n)." Mordecai said as he walks over to the door and looks at the clock on the wall. "Yeah, good luck." Rigby said as he also begins to leave. (Y/n) looks at the computer screen. "Wow, ten people already responded." She said. She hears a gun shot and a "Yee-haw!" From the computer. "Eleven." She then sighs. "Maybe I should get out of my room and take a shower, but dates with random strangers?" She asked, questioning her choices. She hears another gun shot and a "Yee-haw!" "Twelve." She said.

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