T.G.I. Tuesday

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(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are at the Coffee Shop. "So, T.G.I.F., am I right?" Rigby asked, and (Y/n) face palms. "Dude, it's 10 AM, Tuesday." She said. "Oh, yeah. Tuesdays ain't good for nothing." Rigby said. Margaret and Eileen walk by. "How 'bout you, Margaret, weekend plans?" Rigby asked. "My weekends are all booked up now. I'm using them for studying. I have to get serious

if I want to transfer out of junior college." She said. "When are we ever going to hang out?" (Y/n) asked her close friend. "Sorry, I don't know. Tonight's my last free night, but whoever heard of hanging out on a Tuesday? I should probably just study. See ya." She leaves. "Man, what's wrong with her? Why would you do that to yourself?" Rigby asked. "Rigby, she needs our support." Eileen said. "You heard her, Eileen. She wants to transfer colleges.

What if we never see her again?" Rigby asked. "Guys, it's Margaret's last night of freedom! Let's surprise her with the biggest party of her life." (Y/n) said. "Dude, yeah!" Rigby said. "That's a great idea!" Eileen said. "Whooooaaaaaa!" Mordecai said. "T.G.I. Tuesday!" The quartet said. "Huh?" Margaret asked. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and Eileen duck a bit so their voices are kept down. "She gets off work at eight tonight, so we only have a few hours. First, let's get supplies." (Y/n) said. "T.G.I. Tuesday." The four said again. The quartet go to Party Central USA, with only nine hours until Margaret's shift is over. "Alright, they got Friday,

Saturday, Sunday. Wow, even Monday. Aw, what? Nothing for Tuesday?" Mordecai asked. "Hey, (Y/n), ladies, and Eileen." Muscle Man said as he approaches. "Muscle Man, what are you doing here?" Mordecai asked. "I like to hang around here on my day's off. You know, see where the party's at. Yo, Jessie, where's the party at?" Muscle Man asked. "For the hundredth time, I just work here." Jessie said. "He'll budge. What are you lamers doing here?" Muscle Man asked. "We're setting up a party for Margaret tonight." (Y/n) said. "But it's Tuesday." Muscle Man slurps his drink.

"Yeah-a! After tonight, Tuesday is gonna be the new Friday." Rigby said. Muscle Man spits out his drink. "That's bold, bro. This party gets the Muscle Man seal of approval. You chumps need help with anything? I bet you chumps do." He said. "Can you make sure people hear about it? We need a huge turn out." Mordecai said. "Huge is my and my mom's middle name. I'll see you jerks tonight." He throws his drink on the ground. "Muscle Man "Huge" Sorrenstein out! Whooo!" He said. "Great, now we just need a venue." Eileen said. "We'll check all the coolest clubs in town. There's no way they're booked on a Tuesday night." (Y/n) said. The quartet go to the No Club Club with only eight hours until Margaret's shift is over.

"Sorry, fellas, but this base is reserved for shuffleboard on Tuesdays." The quartet go to the IH8PHUN. "Women's bridge night." The four go to The Box. "You understand that permanently banned applies to Tuesdays too, right?" The club bouncer asked. Next they go to The Worst Club. "No! Ain't nobody in this town gonna hold a party on a Tuesday. You hear me?! Nobody! Ahhhhhhh!" The bouncer shouted. The four are now outside eating burritos with only six hours until Margaret's shift is over. "Ugh! What the heck! Who knew so many people partied on Tuesdays?!" (Y/n) asked. "These burritos taste like failure." Eileen said.

"Well, do you know what I think? I think they taste like hope. There's got to be a place for Margaret's party." Mordecai said. Benson comes by. "Well, well, well. Look at these slackers. Not you, Eileen. I don't know if you're a slacker." Benson said, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "Look, Benson, we're planning for something important." She said. "Wow, sounds really important." Benson said. "Yeah, so if we can postpone it..." Mordecai said. "So you don't want the special assignment?" Benson asked. "Right." Rigby said. "You don't want to board up the old ballroom?" Benson asked. "Exact––" Mordecai stopped himself. "Ballroom?" The four asked.

(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Eileen and Benson go to the Parkside Lux Ballroom. "Yep, the Parkside Lux. This ballroom used to host the most elegant balls in its day." Benson said. "Whoa, were they big?" Rigby asked. "These balls were HUGE." Benson said, and Rigby snickers, then Mordecai punches him. "Ow!" He said. "Whooaaaa." The quartet said. "Last guests trashed it, as you can see. Nearly bankrupt at the park." Benson opens the door. "I wonder who Charlene was?" Mordecai asked. "Hey (Y/n), check this out." Rigby grabs a bra, and they laugh.

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