The first step in forgiving your cheating husband is to ensure that he is cheating on you. In the beginning, there will be signs, but you will be in denial at first. You will be thinking that there was no way that the man who stood right there on the altar and who took that vow with a promise to be faithful to you forever would break it.
At first, when you see him placing his phone on the screen, you won't think that he is unfaithful. You probably won't think much of it until he stops taking calls in your presence. Every time he gets a call, he moves to his office, stating that it's important.
At first, you will sit there, and as suspicious thoughts form in your head, you will convince yourself that he got promoted now, so his work is more important, and so certain information is now confidential and you cannot hear it. The next time your suspicion will arise is when he starts to work late and arrives home long after you have gone to bed.
But no, you will continue to convince yourself that his promotion comes with additional work, which requires him to work more hours. That will convince you for a while. But as the saying goes, what is in the dark will come into the light, and so one night, as you lay awake and couldn't return to sleep while he lay asleep beside you, you will hear a small sound from him. You will not expect it and so you will be startled.
You probably would jump from the bed and start shouting or screaming asking him about 'who the hell is Lauren ?' waking him out of his peaceful slumber.
But if you are a non-confrontational person, you would do the opposite. You would turn to your right and look to see if he was awake. When you realise that he is still sleeping, the name would echo through your head, no matter how you try to close your eyes and think happy thoughts. It would be the only thing you will think about. You have to find out who she is and why he is calling out her name in his sleep. So since you can't go back to sleep, you will naturally lift the covers off you, tiptoe over to his side of the bed, and take his phone off his nightstand. You will hurriedly walk out of the room, but silently, of course.
You will try to open his phone with the pin that could open it six months ago, but it will be incorrect. You will decide if you want to concede defeat there and done and continue to be in denial, or if you want to walk in there and wake his ass up. Again if you are a non-confrontational person you would put his phone back. A thought will cross your mind about whether to use his fingerprint to open it, but you don't want to take the chance of waking him up. So you would tiptoe out of the room and make your way to his office. You would look high and low, but you wouldn't find anything, and before you knew it, the sunlight started to pore in through the curtain.
You will then hurry out of the office and bump into him in the hallway, dressed and ready to work.
"Where were you when I woke up?" He will ask you.
You will open your mouth to say hooking up with the neighbours to see if it would hurt him as much as him calling out someone name in his sleep, but you will stay quiet because a small voice in your head said what if he wasn't cheating on you? What if Lauren was a character from a show or a book?
You still lie, but you tell a different one. "I woke up early to read."
He would say goodbye, kiss your cheeks, and head to work. You will head to the kitchen and make some tea when you realise something. He was wearing his favourite tie. The one he always wore for big events. You would do the craziest thing you ever did in your life, by getting ready, calling off work, and going to your husband's workplace. You will wait outside in the car like a crazy person, and when it's almost time for lunch, you will walk into his building. You will greet the receptionist, and she will say.
"Mrs. Dawkins, what a surprise?"
"Surprise?" You will ask as you side-eye her. Since this was not the first time you arrived at your husband's workplace to take him to lunch, granted, it had been a couple of months since the last one.
"Yeah, since Mr. Dawkins isn't in today?"
A sudden sinking feeling will take over, and you will want to cry, but a smile will emerge as you try not to draw any suspicion to yourself.
"Oh, I forgot. I was just at work when I thought about having lunch with him. I have been working hard lately, so I guess it just slipped my mind."
"Tell me about it. I hardly can remember to buy groceries after how sore I am after work in the evenings."
You will block out everything else she is saying as your mind races to find out where the hell your husband was until she says the magic words. And you would look at her and say, "Can you repeat that?"
"Um, I was saying that Lauren is so lucky to get a day off."
"Who is Lauren?" you will interrupt.
"Mike assistant."
"What happened to Miss Warren?" You will ask. Since you had no idea that Mike changed his assistant,.
The receptionist will look at you like you are crazy and then say, "Remember, she is retired. You need to get some rest."
You will smile and say, "Yeah, how could I forget that?"
And as you walk through the door, a growing suspicion starts to form in your head that your husband is sleeping with his secretary, and a bitter laugh will escape your mouth, as you says. "How f-ing original?"
How to Forgive Your Cheating Husband
General FictionThis tells the story of a woman's journey to forgiveness after her husband cheated on her. ************************************ Written for ONC 2024 Written in the second person