Chapter 5

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It's not that group of friends cannot be trusted. Well, let me tell you about my "stellar" group of friends. You know the ones you see in dramas who stick together through thick and thin? Yeah, mine were more like a comedy show.

Picture this: we're playing games, and it's supposed to be all fun and games, right? Wrong! If I was just a minute late, it was like I committed a crime. They'd be like, "Sorry, we're in the middle of a game. Can't let you join, buddy!" I mean, seriously? It's not a national emergency; it's a board game!

And let's talk about their generosity. They went out, bought candy, and guess who was left empty-handed? Yours truly! Why? Because apparently, my pockets were on a diet – no pennies allowed. They didn't even offer to share, as if candy was the rarest gem in the world.

Oh, and in the games we played together, I was like the substitute player. I'd be campaigning in every game, putting in my blood, sweat, and tears, but did it matter to them? Nope! I was as replaceable as a light bulb. [ rarely won few games]

I finally realized that whether I was there or not, it didn't faze them. I guess my presence wasn't as vital as I thought – I was more like the background music, easily ignored. So much for a drama-worthy friendship, right?

Lesson learned: Group of friends in real life is not always as heartwarming as TV dramas make it out to be. Maybe I should've auditioned for a sitcom instead.

So there I was, feeling like the odd one out in a place I clearly didn't belong. It hit me like a bad haircut - you know, impossible to ignore. In a moment of sheer determination, I raised both hands in a cheerleader-style pep talk to myself. Picture this: awkward me, waving my hands like I'm leading the world's saddest parade, declaring, "This time, I will make real friends!"

Yeah, it was my personal declaration of independence from the land of the socially awkward. Little did I know, making friends wasn't as simple as a cheer-up cheer. But hey, at least I got points for enthusiasm. If only friendship came with an instruction manual, right? if friendships came with a step-by-step guide, I'd be following it like a treasure map!

The following evening, I went happily skipping along the way, taking the shortcut to the park. As I entered the park, there, lo and behold, was Jungkook, comfortably seated on his usual bench. I approached him with a wide smile on my face, ready for whatever adventure the park had in store for us.

"Jungkook, this afternoon, my mother and I took Yeontan, the puppy you saved, to the pet clinic. The doctor, examining the stitches on the wounds, looked up at me, his eyes filled with curiosity, and asked, 'Who did such professional stitching?' With a grin, I proudly declared, 'It was done by my friend.' The doctor's jaw practically hit the floor. He couldn't believe it when I told him it was the handiwork of a nine-year-old kid. Impressed, he insisted that I give you this chocolate as a token of appreciation for the splendid work by you."

Taking out the chocolate from my pant pocket, I raised my hand with the chocolate to him, adding, "And here's a little extra sweetness for our pint-sized hero."

Despite the lack of response from the other side, my yet-to-be-9-year-old self remained excitedly frozen in an open-mouthed position, as if it refused to close until it received a reply.

"We're throwing a welcome-to-the-family party for Yeontan tonight, and my mom really wants you to join us. You're invited too!"

My little hands were still in the air, holding the chocolate like a peace offering.

"Oh, by the way, Yeontan is doing well now. The doctor said he shouldn't walk for a few days, but you wouldn't believe the energy in his barks when we got home. Mom and I even picked out a wooden dog house for him. It's a classy brown with a dark brown roof, and the borders of the walls and door are also in dark brown. We spotted it on our way back from the pet store. Oh, and we also grabbed some top-notch pet food. It's going to be a paw-ty!"

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