Part 2

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Your hand gripped his with strength that indicated you knew what real business was. It took him by surprise, but he shook it back. How old were you now? Christ, Kate had been pregnant at least 20 years ago. He remembered it well, it drained her, at the time he honestly thought it made her really fucking bad at her job. Then he held you for the first time as a newborn and his mind had swiftly changed. You had been adorable, a quiet baby, and now you had grown up, you'd grown up a lot. He watched as you let go, using the hand you'd shook his with to hook long hair over one shoulder. The embrassament, if you felt it, of being caught with little on didn't show any on your face except maybe the lightest pink blush on the apples of your cheeks. Lips full, long lashes, young Kate reflected back to him with minor changes in the eye shape, the sharpness of your jawline. Clearly attributes of whoever your father was, simply a sperm donor really. He replied ot your greeting. 

"Hi," eyes drifted back to Kate, who still glared you down as you skulked away. It didn't escape his notice, neck craned to watch you leave, the way you trailed your fingers on the wall as you rounded the corner into the corridor.

"She's a fucking handful these day, John. You wouldn't believe... my god, she used to be so good, such a good child," Kate muttered to him, shaking her head gently, "Now, I can't control her. Is it bad to say I'm happy for a two week break? Oh! I don't know, maybe I'm not... maybe I... she needs someone to show her how to behave like a damn adult. Tea?"

"Um, yeah, tea," his reply was almost dazed, having forgotten how much Kate spoke in one breath sometimes, the abrupt question at the ending taking him aback. "Where can I dump all this?" He hiked the rucksack further up his shoulder, highlighting the 'this' in question. The kettle began to reach the peak of it's boil, drowning out Kate's word. He thought she said, upstairs, second right, so he nodded with feign confidence and wandered away. 

The house really was a beauty, raw brick work, even some original wooden features preserved in all theri glory. The corridor was two stories, a small mezzanine gazing down upon it, looking out the double height glass front that surrounded the main door. The stairs were the type with gaps, he didn't like that, never trusted them to be sturdy, not that any had failed him yet but they just looked, undone. Every door at the top looked the same, there were only two on the right, two on the left. Four rooms seemed ridiculous given the size of the building, but it had clearly been extended upon downstairs, so up here reflected the original size. It was cozy, everything a little but closer. He walked up to the second door on the right and opened it. 

But it wasn't his room. 

It was yours. 

You turned your head to him, sitting cross legged on the bed, head propped up by your hand, the elbow of which rested on your knee. Unequivocally unphased by his presence. The way your pyjama shorts were positioned meant he had a view higher up your leg. He swallowed hard, gulping down the damaged ego that crawled red across his face at his stupid mistake. 

"Shit... sorry. I thought your mum said s-," he cleared his throat, grappling at the straws of his composure, "second on the right."

Eyes bore holes into him as a smile grew across your face. It was mocking, internally berating him for being an idiot in only that way people much younger than him could do. Soap did it all the time, it made his blood simmer. Your tongue ran across the inside of your cheek. 

"Uh huh..." you smacked your lips together, "Mum said second on the left."

The left, the left. Kate had said the left. John you fucking idiot. It wasn't mishearing it was genuine stupidity, just hearing whatever he wanted. He inhaled deeply, he had to get it together before she left. She had hired him to look after another human, her human, not just a load of bumbling guys at work. He backed away, beginning to close the door. 

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