Part 3

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Gentle knocks slowly arose him from sleep. How long had he been asleep for? The sun was well in the sky now. The dry pads of his fingers brushed at slavia which had trailed it's way out of his mouth and onto the pillow. Clearly, such a deep rest had been required, what with no work to think about for once. Well, no work except you. He felt his cock stir, fucking morning wood, couldn't escape it even after 25 years handling the damn thing. He flipped his phone over, 5 missed calls from Kate. Jesus, sleeping through that was some form of miracle. Another quick succession of knocks. 

"Come in," he croaked out, clearing his throat after. The door opened, bringing his attention in it's direction. 

"Good morning... oh my god," it was you, eyes widened as you spun on your heels. He was laying half naked, maybe fully naked, not exactly what you'd expected. The surprise was so shocking you couldn't look at him, but what you had seen had made a prickle of heat tap at your face. He didn't move much, only shimming the covers slightly more over his chest. 

"Morining," he yawned, startled himself expecting your mother, not you, "Where's Kate?" A light scrub of his eyes gave weak attempts at trying to wake himself up a little more. You answered, remaining faced away. 

"Mum already left, she sends her apologies. Look, I... I thought I wouldn't need to ask this morning but now she's gone... I need a lift to uni."

He closed his eyes under the knot of his brow, pressing the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. 

"Alright, what time at?"

"Um..." the hesistation in your reply didn't foreshadow anything good, "Like, five minutes?"

Five minutes?! He felt his body spring into action, before remembering your presence, ushering you out with his words. When you'd left he fell out the bed, legs tangled up in each other and he pulled on his clothes, hopping on one foot at a time to yank a clean pair of socks half way up his calves. Thankfully, the excess blood pumped away from his rock hard dick and back around his body to complete the shift from the dream world back to the living. A quick piss, a splash of water on the face and he was ready to go. Jogging down the stairs he threw the keys in the air, swiftly beckoning you with a single digit as you leaned lazily against the back of the couch, staring at your phone.

"Let's fucking move then."

The engine of Kate's car roared into life, it was very different from what he drove, so boxed in, he wasn't sure he liked it much. As he pushed down the handbrake, the back of his fingers brushed against yours which were buckling the seatbelt. He flinched away, refusing to address yet another mistake.  

It didn't take long, only about 25 minutes to drop you off, your silhouette waving from the heat radiating back up from the tan paving slabs of the courtyard outside the university. I finish at 4, but don't stress, I'll be studying after. Sure thing, he had thought, a whole day to himself. He had checked the fuel gauge before setting off, deciding to take himself on a tour of the countryside surrounding Kate's home. He rolled both windows down, allowing his elbow to lean outside the door a little as he drove. The air was warm even at speed, only proving how unnaturally scorching it was today. 

Once he reached a high point, with views of the rolling hills below blurring all noticable remnants of the town hidden in their valleys, he stopped the car in a lay-by and got out. Vantage points always settled his mind, he enjoyed the freedom, the safety it gave him. They were so important during war, to be up high, to be able to observe everything around him, especially as a Captain. He was responsible for too many, too much sometimes. This was nice, a change of pace. He let his lids close over as he rested against the vehicle, a bright red hue reflecting onto his vision as the sun beat down on him. There was no gunfire here, no yells or screams. Just birdsong, the lightest, most pleasent summer breeze which ruffled fresh air through his hair, over his arms. You didn't seem that challenging, Kate had probably just exaggerated; maybe not exaggerated, spending every minute with you probably took an emotional toll enough that that was genuinly her view of the situation. But you seemed quiet, reserved. Perhaps a little arrogant, though he saw little wrong with that considering his own arrogance aided his rise through the ranks. Taking risks, being bold. 

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