Prologue~ 👀

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I changed my writing style after debating for so long


"why am I falling several thousand meters above the land with you guys again?" Rimuru said with his arms crossed.

"You got tangled in my teleportation... So we both kind of teleported into a random world together!" Ciel said not realizing that he's landing is PRETTY bad and HE'S falling AGAIN.

"... Then why am I with you both?" Naruto said confused tilting his head to the side ceossing his arms as well.

"It's the universe logic. You're doing something sort of like teleporting or something at the same time wirh what we are doing. Umh... We three are doing something similar at the same time so we ended up together." Said Ciel making his logic understandable as possible.

"How does that even- nevermind. I agree." Rimuru said understanding. Because he just recently did a dimensional hopping like island hoping to save his stabbed self from another dimension.

"Alright! Apparently after the peace and quiet and me becoming a hokage... Stopped aliens sh!t and robots from my world... I ended up with you guys and I am back with my 17 years old appearance but still retain my powers." Naruto said nodding his head slightly understanding the situation.

"And I ended up here with you both after defeating the self proclaimed god in my universe and healing my original body before reincarnating" said rimuru. He looks like he's given up on logic because apparently when you're a powerful being... logic really does not apply to you anymore.

"Oh! So you guys are the chosen ones in your worlds then!" Said Ciel happily.

"Chosen ones?" Asked Naruto.

"Like the heroes in every manga/anime?" Asked Rimuru to confirm.

"Mhm! You already completed whatever major happenings in your worlds so it's fine if you're not there anymore. And you can't actually teleport to other dimensions now" Ciel said pointing to Rimuru. "My Father apparently would not allow it until... The chosen one of this world ended the.... Major event of this world..." Said Ciel frowning. After that he bowed 90° to apologize. "Sorry you both got tangled in this mess! I'm the only one who's supposed to be in here"

"Oi oi! Don't do that it's an accident... Right?" Naruto said unsure if it's an accident.

"Yeah. I think it's really an accident." Rimuru said. "Besides what do you mean your 'Father'" Rimuru continued.

"Oh! Hi! My name is Ciel. One of the four heavenly principles! My Father the Almighty being that created everything out of nothing" Ciel said introducing himself.

"Whoa! You're an angel then?! Cool!" Naruto said. "Name's Naruto Uzumaki! Nice to meet cha both!" He continued smiling.

Rimuru sighed and really he doesn't have any choice at the moment so he also introduced himself. "My name is Rimuru Tempest! I'm not a bad slime!" He said grining.

Ciel giggled at that. "Naruto. Rimuru"

"You're an angel and you said you're the only one who's supposed to be in this world so you know where are we then?" Rimuru said. Apparently his own 'Ciel' the manas doesn't know where they are.

"Oh sure one moment!" Said Ciel turning his eyes gold.

"Whoa! Your eyes are really pretty! My eyes turns different too sometimes!" Said Naruto amused.

"Here " Ciel said then tapped both of the other boys' forehead.

"Whoa you can transfer information by just that." Rimuru said genuinely intrigue. "Wait... Holy sh!t! You mean you're also the one from the bible stories many eons ago?!" Rimuru said now bewildered.

(ON HOLD) ONE PIECE x Naruto Uzuma, Rinuru Tempest and M! OCWhere stories live. Discover now