16- Exploring Sabaody

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"See ya later Imu-kun!" Said the trio leaving.

"Come back soon!~" said Imu waving.

"Bye bye guys!" Said the trio.

"Safe travels Ciel-sama, Rimuru-sama, Naruto-sama." The Elders bowed.
"Now where are we going?" Said Naruto.

"Let's go to Sabaody! There's an amusement park there." Said Ciel excited.

"Then let's remove our flag. We don't want to cause a ruckus there" said Rimuru already removing the flag.

"Oh! Let's visit Rayleigh! He's there!" Said Ciel.
"There it is! Sabaody" Naruto shouted.

The three of them remove their cloaks and masks and proceeded to dock.

Rimuru wears a simple blue kimono with some little line swirl pattern below, a red sash hilding his waist with red scarf and a plain light blue haori with his hair tied in a ponytail.

Naruto wears an orange kimomo with sunflower patterns with black sash holding his waist. With white cape (like the hokage cape without the name).

Ciel is wearing a purple kimono with some white and purlpe circle patterns on it with a black and red sash holding the outfit. He's also wearing earings with his hair down.

"You ABSOLUTELY stand out in ANYTHING that you wear Ciel" said Rimuru.
Rimuru knocks on the door of a bar. Supposedly the old man is there. He opened the door and the three of them peeked inside. There's no one until a voice is heard behind the counter.

"Yes? Come in" said the lady twirling the glass of drink she's holding.

The three of them come in and sits down "Uhm... Is Rayleigh here?" Asked Ciel tilting his head.

"Ray! There's people looking for you!" The lady shouted.

Thry hears footsteps from the door beside the lady and the old man came out. "If it isn't the Golden Trio. What do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Said the man smilling sitting down.

"Oh? They're the same people? That's really shocking.... And Hancock offered the White haired right?" Said the lady.

Rayleigh nodded remember what happened nefore. "By the way Ciel, Naruto, Rinuru this is my wife Shakky" introduce the man.

The three of them forms an 'O' shape on their lips. "Nice to meet you Shakky!" Said the trio in unison grinning.

"My~ what beauty. The heavens favored you three" she said looking at the three. "Are you here to explore the place?" She asked.

Naruto nodded "mhm! Ciel said there's an amusement park here! We're going there!" He said excited.

"Be careful on the way. There's alot of Marines here. Slave traders and celestial dragons." Rayleigh warned.

Naruto grinned"there's those things here huh?" He said.

"No we're not beating one up. We're not here for the trouble remember?" Said Rimuru. He's sensing a headache coming.

Ciel giggles standing up "c'mon! Let's go!" He said excitedly.

The married couple wave at them back.
The trio is looking around, buying food and trying out rides at the amusement park. Murmurs are around them. They hear it crystal clear. Some celestial dragons are finding them wanting them and whatnot. They skillfully avoid every single one of them they're in a good mood and they don't want it to be spoiled.

"They're beginning to irritate me~" said Naruro in a sing-song manner lips twitching in annoyance.

The other two chuckles. Ciel lifts his finger and the gates of the zoo opened. The animals went wild. The three of them looks at each other and takes the opportunity to go to their ship. They laugh at their own chaos looking at the panic people.

"You think this will reach the Elders?" Asked Naruro.

"Maybe" Rimuru shrugs. "But it's not like they'll do something " he added.

"Let's go back to the sea~"  Ciel said.

(ON HOLD) ONE PIECE x Naruto Uzuma, Rinuru Tempest and M! OCWhere stories live. Discover now