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The night of the festive. Minister Park with few of his alliance gathers around the table intended only for them. All of them are ministries of the King, abusing their power over the parliament and brainwashing the King. Influencing his every decisions. One of the reasons why Jungkook is not fond of them and the feeling is mutual

They are aware that the Crown Prince won't get influence by them. Jungkook knows that they are working dirty as ministries, they are the most corrupt officials under his father that he doesn't  know if he is not aware or just giving a blind eye when it comes with them.

Jungkook is intelligent, he is worthy of the title but the things he did in the past makes the people inside the courtyard judge and ruined his reputation but Jungkook doesn't care about it. He didn't give it much attention. He will be the king no matter what rumors they made up for him

He is still young that time, a wild free soul, a rebel to his own father added more to what happened to his mother but now he is different man. He is more mature. His goal is set and that is to be the king his country needs, a clean politics and justice for all. A clear opposite of the present reigning King

Minister Park doesn't like him. He doesn't want the crown prince to be next in line that is why he helps his daughter to seduce the king that eventually gets married to his daughter and now that she's carrying his child, he has a chance, a possibility to dethrone him using his own grandchild and be in power for the longest run

And now they are celebrating about it. Few more months and the queen will give birth to an alpha, a strong pure blood alpha.

That is what they are praying for but he can't be sure. No one can be sure, not even they can tell what rank and gender the child will be but they are manifesting it will be a boy with a rank of pure blood alpha. It will only depend if the moon goddess grants their prayers

Music has been playing, dancers are lined up on the stage swaying their body for the guests while they are sitting, laughing, having a good time.

"Prince Jungkook wouldn't even have a chance to be the king now that you're daughter is pregnant with the king"
One of them says then a burst of laughter follows

"he really thought he will have a chance to rule this country? I'm sure he's now worrying about it"
The other says agreeing to the first one

"now, his time has been numbered, the next time he knows, he can't consider calling the palace his home"
Minister Park says loudly with a laugh. He raise his arm with a glass of wine in hand

"To the good health of my daughter, the queen and my grandchild. The  future Crown Prince" he said already claiming the future but someone interrupt their celebration

Mingyu shows himself wearing an all black uniform with a wide hat covering his eyes, he pull out his sword when the guard on the gate withdraw his weapon to stop whoever is entering the place

Jungkook is standing behind him with the same hat that is covering his face if he stay lowering his head. The moment he look forward. The guards on the gate push back their sword in their holsters

"The Crown Prince is here"
His personal guard announce while all the guards around the place give their respect to the Prince

A moment of silence envelopes the whole place. Jungkook proceeds to walk till he reached where the ministries table. He stand in the middle of them

"What? Why so silent? I thought we are celebrating the pregnancy of King consort?"
His voice sounds lively with a teasing tone. He pulls a jar that he's hiding behind him

"I brought the most expensive wine in the palace to celebrate with you all"
He look around but no one dares to meet his gaze. He smiles. They know they have caught him on the act while having fun and talking behind his back

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