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Hailee's View

"Must be nice." I say.

"What?" Griffin asks.

"Being a freeloader." I say.

"You're the one who invited me on this trip!" Griffin says.

"Yeah, after you made subtle hints that you wanted to go." I say.

"What hints?" Griffin asks.

"Ugh, I wanna go to New York one day. Ugh, I wanna try a slice of NY pizza one day. Ugh, maybe one day." I say mocking Griffin.

"Okay, maybe I made a few hints." Griffin says.

"Maybe you should get a real job you bum." I say.

"Being called a bum has to be the worst insult, I'm not gonna lie." Griffin says.

I laugh and he smiles.

I'm flying to New York to start working on my first album. It only took a decade, but, hey, better late than never.

"Put all of your belongings in the bins; shoes, keys, wallets, phones, laptops - all of them!" The TSA agent yells.

"It's 2 AM. Wonder what kind of coffee they're drinking." Griffin mumbles.

I chuckle and he smiles. I take my shoes off and put my stuff in a bin. I put my laptop bag on the conveyor and step into the scanner. I hear a beep and the woman lets me pass.

My bin passes through and I put my shoes back on. I grab my stuff and 2 laptop bags come out.

Shit, which one is mine? Same brand, same color; they're identical. I guess mine would come out first, didn't see anyone before me with one.

I grab my laptop bag and Griffin walks through.

"You seen that TSA agent? She was totally checking me out." Griffin says, putting his shoes on.

"She was probably just wondering why you smell like that." I say, covering my nose.

Griffin frowns and I laugh.

Time Skip

"Longest flight of my life." Griffin says flopping down on the hotel bed.

"You slept the entire time." I say.

"It was still long as fuck." Griffin says.

"How about you take a cat nap and shut up while I do some work?" I ask.

"You work too much." Griffin says.

"I don't work enough." I say.

I unzip my laptop bag and take my laptop out.

"Huh?" I ask, looking at the laptop.

"What?" Griffin asks.

"This isn't my laptop." I say.

"How if it's your laptop bag?" Griffin asks.

"When I got it off the conveyor belt, there was an identical one next to it. I just assumed mine would come out first since no one in front of me had one." I say.

"That's not how it works, TSA will take stuff off the belt and move it around. Yours probably got swapped and came out second." Griffin says.

"Fuck." I mumble.

"Guess you're not working at all." Griffin says, laughing.

"Everything I've worked on for this album is on my fucking laptop and I fucking lost it!" I shout.

"Calm your tits. The owner of this laptop probably has yours so look for some contact info." He says.

"How am I gonna find the owner if I don't know anything about them? I don't know where they flew to or where they're from." I say turning the laptop on.

"One step at a time, just see if you can find a name." He says.

"It says Y/n Y/l/n." I say, as the sign in screen appears.

"Okay, try and log in." He says.

"I don't have the password." I say.

"Try 0000." Griffin says.

"It's a combo of letters and numbers." I say.

"How do you know that?" Griffin asks.

I sigh and type in 4 zeros. The screen loads and the laptop unlocks.

"It worked." I say.

"Told ya. Now look through her iMessages or emails." Griffin says as I click around.

"Can't, she has to log back in." I say.

"What about her files?" Griffin asks.

I open the files app and open the most recent file.

Music starts to play and I turn the volume up.

"Huh. Wonder if there's more." I mumble closing the file.

"Nosy-ass bitch." Griffin says as I scroll down.

I see a folder titled songs and I open it. I scroll down and open the audio file that says 'bad dream.'

"I thought you were trying to get your laptop back." Griffin says as I open the files.

"Tell me this beat isn't amazing." I say as music starts to play.

I hum and Griffin rolls his eyes.

"Oh, I absolutely have I find her." I say pausing the song.

"That was the goal from the beginning!" He says.

I sigh and go to the home screen. I open Google Maps and see an address in recents. I click it and Teo's Bodega pops up.

"Last thing she searched on Google Maps was Teo's Bodega." I say.

"We passed by there in the car on our way here." He says.

"We'll stop by in the morning." I say.

"You're gonna snoop through more of her files, aren't you?" Griffin asks.

"Mhm." I say.

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I'M YOURS // HAILEE STEINFELD ✓Where stories live. Discover now