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'Are you not dead!?'

The guy gulped and just barely shook his head for no. His cat-like eyes were wide open in fear, and he kept leaning back more to avoid the blade, not that he could, considering I've got him trapped on the ground.

'You're Han So Jin.' I squint

'Y-yeah. And you're Rain.'

'I'm tired of people knowing my name these days.' I pressed my knife into his throat, nearly cutting him

He winced and lifted both his hands on surrender. 'Don't-don't kill me. I've been sent to help you.'

'You? Did you not just walk in with a gun? And then got your ass beaten?' Yoongi raises his eyebrow at him. 'You literally have a knife on your throat. How the fuck are you gonna help?'

'Well, you are mercenaries. Am I supposed to just die without putting up a fight?'

'Okay, smartass. You've got 10 seconds to explain.' I put more pressure on him and he started rambling instantly

'I've been sent by Yonwa. She told me you guys were on your way and someone is coming to kill you right now. We all need to run.'


'We really don't have time for this. Let's run first.'

'Why should we beli-' *thud* another sound came from the apartmen, making me shut up

'I fucking told you!' So Jin hissed quietly from the floor so I quickly pulled him up, pushing him against the wall to hide with me

3 different footsteps were heard coming over, and like earlier, I waited for them to walk in and then jumped the first one, swiping the blade over his throat from behind, while Yoongi shot the other two without even blinking.

'THERE!' a few more voices yelled and started running towards the room

I took my gun out and shot down 2 of them the second they ran in, with 2 more dying at Yoongi's hands. Last guy was smarter than them, not running into the room blindly, but he didn't get far. I flung a knife at him as he was running away, hitting him at the back of the leg so he couldn't run, and it worked. He fell down and started howling in pain, holding onto his leg.

'Nice one, J.' Yoongi chuckles, teasing me

'Stop whining and get the guy.' I click my tongue at him, letting him deal with that other guy while I deal with So Jin.

I looked to the side to see him fiddling with his arm, pressing into the cut I just gave him. I walked to him, pushing him against the wall and pressing my gun under his chin. 'Talk.'

'There's really no need for this.' His breath was hitching and he closed his eyes in fear. 'I told you. Yonwa sent me.'

'How do you know her? How did she know I would be here?

'Not here. It's not safe.'

'What's not safe is you playing with my nerves.' I press the gun harder into his chin, pushing his head back

'Fine, fine! One name. Shadow.'

I squinted and decided to pull back a little, letting him breathe. He rubbed his chin gently, looking like only now he started breathing.

'Should we move somewhere more safe?' He asks


'I have a place. A safe one.'

'Or I can take you back to out base.' I threaten

'That is a one way ticket to my death, and trust me, you need me if you want to take that asshole down.'

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now