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'Morning, gentleman. Kiddos.' I pat Gyumin on the head as I walk past him at the table

He ducked slightly as he didn't expect me to do it, but he quickly bounced back with slight whining. 'That's just rude. You all think I'm a child.'

'Because you are.'

The entire table started mocking him, and eventually, he laughed as well, defeated by it.

'Then I'll be requesting pocket money from today.'

'You're gonna end up grounded.' Namjoon threatens, making us laugh even more

I walked around the table while everyone was laughing, and slipped the USB stick into one of Namjoon's pocket without anyone noticing. If I can steal, I can also plant things.

'Any news? Anyone?' Namjoon asks, completely oblivious to the fact that he has everything he needs in his pocket. Took a lot not to laugh.

'Josun is alive. Surprisingly. But he can't give me a list. He doesn't even know who is in the Widows at the moment.' I answer as I sit down

'Is he not high up? Like... how?!' Taehyung asks as if I could explain it

'That only shows how disorganised and distrusting of their own members they are. This is not that bad.' Hoseok states, nodding his head at his own explanation

'Yes, but we still need that list. We have to know who is after us and why. Well, we need to know who to kill.' Jin adds

'There is a way to get the list.' Jimin cuts in, and every single pair of eyes stuck to him. 'Not me. Him.' He gestures at Gyumin with a nod

'Me? You mean, Soy-Yonwa?' He corrected himself again

'Well I sure as fuck ain't sleeping with her. She's your girl. You need to get it.'

'But... how? Like... I can't just ask for a list. She will know instantly.' He stuttered over his own words in nervousness. 'But... can I ask you something?' He looks at Jimin, who was just looking at him, waiting for the question

'I saw her 3 days ago. Her neck... she had bruises.' He gulped. 'Did you do that to her?'

'Why are you asking if you know already?'

'Did... what happened?' He barely made the words, mostly whispering them out

'Are you sure you want to know?' Jimin sighs

Gyumin gulped almost loudly and then nodded.

I just looked at Jimin in confusion when he took the knife out of my hand and then hugged me around my arms so I couldn't move them, thinking what the hell is up with that, but then his words came to light and I was happy he was holding me.

'She got naked and threw herself at me, telling me to take her. So I almost strangled her.'

'Then... maybe you go and get that list. It seems she'd rather have you there anyway.'

All of my anger kind of melted away because Gyumin sounded almost broken, his eyes glossing up. Is he... crying?

'Kid, let me explain something to you about spies.' Jimin sighed and let go of me, focusing solely on Gyumin. 'The only reason she's trying so hard is because she needs something from me. That is all. She is not interested in me in the slightest. Not in that way. There's a higher chance that she's actually into you than me. She didn't get a thing from you, yet she's with you. Tell me, why do you think that is?'

'No. There's-'

'It's true.' I cut into his words. 'Jimin's right. We seduce to get information. And she needs to know about us. Jimin knows way more than you do about us. It makes sense.'

MERCENARY 2: The Huntdown |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now