Evan's time with Samantha 2

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Evan was walking around the park at 8:24 AM and saw Sam so he decided to approach her and ask if she wants to hang out with him

Evan: hey morning Sam

Sam: oh!, morning Evan, what's up?

Evan: well i was wondering if we could hang out again?

Sam: sure i was on my way to the mall today

Evan: cool let's go

They went to the mall and it took 2 hours for them to get there and went up the escalator "so what do you want to do?" Evan asked her and she led him to a...

Sam: an anime hobby store!

Evan: whoa what's in this store?

Sam: wait you don't know?

Evan: nope, does this store have anime to watch and buy?

Sam: heh let's just go in and you can see for yourself

As they entered the anime hobby store Evan saw a variety of different anime shows/movies, figurines, clothing and plastic model kits, Sam went to an aisle with the model kits and Evan saw different kits ranging from characters, places, vehicles and...

Sam: this here is a gundam

Evan: ooh it's a robot

Sam: yeah come on let's pay for this and i can show you what's inside

They went to the cashier to pay for it after Sam bought it they went to a build corner for her to open it up and show it's contents inside

Evan: why is it in bags?, and in this plastic thing?

Sam: you have to build it yourself, and that's where the fun of it is

Evan: ohh but how can you turn all of this plastic into this like on the box cover?

Sam: heh just wait and see. She opened the bags and started to cut out the parts from the runners one by another, then after 2 minutes. it's finished!

Evan: whoa!, all that plastic part into this cool looking robot

Sam: yup and it's a gundam it's from a Japanese anime that features these giant gundam robots

Evan: wow this gundam has really cool movement

Sam: yeah this is the gundam strike from gundam Seed

Evan: Sam can you tell me what gundam is?

Sam: it'll be my pleasure

Sam then told Evan the start of gundam till it's present state right now and some of her favourite gundam series like Seed, UC, Wing and Evan was really intrigued about gundam she even showed him a clip of the gundam Unicorn

Evan: no way this one's whole body has glowing red things and it's horn turned into a V-fin!

Sam: yeah this was the first time a gundam had a splitting V-fin

Evan: now i really want to build one myself!

Sam: well you can choose one while i buy some other stuff

Evan: alright

Evan was browsing the different kits from many to choose from "man this is hard to choose.." Evan then saw something that caught his eye, it was an IBO kit

Evan: gundam.. Asmodeus?, isn't that a demon from the deadly sins?, why is there a gundam named after it?. He shrugs it off  then he got some tools that he needs, nippers and some sanding sticks

Evan: hi i would like to buy these

Cashier: hello sir this'll be 12.59$

Evan: here ya go

Evan gave them the payment and went to find Sam but he instead went to the build corner and started building it, he reads the instructions included and followed it and he had a little trouble but got it right, and then he finishes

Evan: phew.. well it looks really cool and it took me 2 minutes to build

Sam: hey Evan have ya picked- wait you already built it?

Evan: yeah!, it's really cool and fun to build it

Sam: can i see it?

Evan: sure here

Sam: oh wow you built it pretty good there's no nub marks and you used all the stickers too, it's a good build Evan

Evan: heh thanks but i just followed the instructions and just used these sanding sticks i got

Sam: well i forgot this one's name who's this?

Evan: it's the gundam Asmodeus

Sam: what

Evan: yup that's the same reaction i had too

Sam: well either way wanna grab something to eat?

Evan: sure let's get some ice cream

They left the store and went to the ice cream shop bot Evan, Sam got watermelon ice cream

Sam: hey you know this is actually my favourite fruit

Evan: really?

Sam: yeah what's yours?

Evan: i like apples

Sam: well it sucks they didn't have apple flavour ice cream in stock

Evan: nah it's good watermelon is good too and hey wanna go buy some more gundams?

Sam: heh sure let's go


Calypso: ★★☆☆☆

Wendy: ★★☆☆☆

Doreen: ☆☆☆☆☆

Jeffrey: ☆☆☆☆☆

Sam: ★★☆☆☆

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