God of Warfare, Rain & Divination
Son of Quzah & Al Lat
Sacred Symbol: Arrow
(War Purview) God of Warfare: Polemokinesis: Hubal is the God & the Embodiment of Warfare. As the God & the Embodiment with the Purview of Warfare, Hubal has polemoscience, polemopotence & to manipulate all forms of conflict including mental, physical, spiritual and conceptual ones, regardless of the area and numbers involved, control how they progress and draw power both from the conflict alone as well as the dying. They are, naturally, extremely skilled in all forms of fighting, weapons, and both strategy and tactics as well as statistics of war.
(Sky Purview) God of Rain: Hyetokinesis: Hubal is the God & the Embodiment of Rain. As the God & the Embodiment with the Purview of Rain, Hubal has hyetoscience, hyetopotence, can create, shape & can manipulate rain, liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapor and then precipitated, ie. become heavy enough to fall under gravity. Rain is a major component of the water cycle and is responsible for depositing most of the freshwater on the Earth. Forms of rain include drizzle, light showers, downpours and monsoons.
(Holy Purview) God of Divination: Prophecy: Hubal is the God & the Embodiment of Divination. As the God & the Embodiment with the Purview of Divination, Hubal has profiteíascience, profiteíapotence & can possesses the power of prophecy; the psychic power to receive prophecies through visions and information that can take the form of messages from higher powers, such as cosmic or divine entities, with most those entities possessing the power of prophecy themselves as a direct link to the source of those visions and messages.