Alalha: Dushara

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God of Speed, Roads & Messengers

Son of Quzah & Al Lat

Sacred Symbol: Scroll

(Condition Purview) God of Speed: Tachýtitakinesis: Dushara is the God & the Embodiment of Speed. As the God & the Embodiment with the Purview of Speed, Dushara has tachýtitascience, tachýtitapotence, can create, shape, & can manipulate the velocity of any moving object: the speed and direction an object is moving. They could simply move things around: by controlling their velocity, the user could fly; cancel object velocity to make it freeze where it is, and even use velocity as a sort of force blast, blasting things away at high speeds.

(Earth Purview) God of Roads: Monopatikinesis: Dushara is the God & the Embodiment of Roads. As the God & the Embodiment with the Purview of Roads, Dushara has monopatiscience, monopatipotence, can create, shape & can manipulate different kinds of pathways, including trails, roads, streets, highways, railways, sidewalks, passages, etc. They can alter the path's direction, change its destination, or make surface changes to them.

(Transportation Purview) God of Messengers: Planeswalking: Dushara is the God & the Embodiment of Messengers. As the God & the Embodiment with the Purview of Messengers, Dushara has angeliafórosscience, angeliafórospotence & can travel to other planes of existence, myriads of different realities all simultaneously coexisting within the same expanded cosmology. Planes are often multi-layered and likely endless in number, though they are usually organized into local cosmologies centered on a prime nexus plane.

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