Alalha: Hawlat

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Goddess of Magic, Honor & Procreation

Daughter of Awal & Bilquis

Sacred Symbol: Witches Hat

(Magic Purview) Goddess of Magic: Mystiokinesis: Hawlat is the Goddess & the Embodiment of Magic. As the Goddess & the Embodiment with the Purview of Magic, Hawlat has mystioscience, mystiopotence & can utilize supernatural forces to potentially achieve any effect one desires.

(Emotion Purview) Goddess of Honor: Timikinesis: Hawlat is the Goddess & the Embodiment of Honor. As the Goddess & the Embodiment with the Purview of Honor, Hawlat has timiscience, timipotence & manipulates honor, the feeling of high respect & great esteem.

(Life Purview) Goddess of Procreation: Reprokinesis: Hawlat is the Goddess & the Embodiment of Procreation. As the Goddess & the Embodiment with the Purview of Procreation, Hawlat has reproscience, repropotence & control over reproduction, allowing them to freely alter and manipulate it. Reproduction is the process in which living organisms called offspring are produced by "parents''. This does not include the actual process of mating itself, but it can do things such as induce pregnancies, induce fertility and such.

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