Practical Jokes?

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"So we have to check on an interrupted Radio signal... Why" I ask them

"Well we aren't the only team that's going" Weiss says

"Who else" Yang asks, still annoyed at them

"Team JNPR" Blake replies with

"Alrighty, so what type of area are we going to be checking out" I ask and as soon as I do. Team JNPR walks in along with Sun and a blue haired guy who looks familiar "Sup guys and, girls. Who are you?" I ask him

"I'm Neptune, I think we've meet before when you and Sun were" He stops himself and I finish his sentence "Dating, yes I remember you now, you where always hitting on girls, left, right and center"

"Yeah that sounds like me" Neptune replies

"Well, the area where this is taking place at is in a forest" Ruby says sternly, if I have learned one thing, that is Ruby definitely does not like to be cut off

"Time to go old school" I say reaching into my bag of weapons and armor

"What are you pulling out" Jaune asks me

"A old ghillie suit, a suppressed sniper from my freelancing days and my great great grandfathers .44 magnum, because I am taking no risks on this mission" They all look my as if I'm insane or something

"Why, all the preparation, we are just checking to see if the base where the transmission was sent from hasn't been taken over" Ren says in his usual calm voice

"Well, the past missions we've gone on, didn't exactly go as planned, I mean first mission Yang and I were knocked out and handcuffed together. The second mission Team JNPR came and got us after that me and Ruby ended up getting shot multiple times. So if you don't mind I'd rather not be shot and or stabbed this time around" I rant this angrily at them, I just lay back on the bed and cuddle with Yang until we both fall asleep. And when we both finally wake up, someone had the brilliant idea to handcuff us back together, but instead of old school medal ones. They cuffed us with military issue HANDCUFFS "YOU BASTARDS" I scream in anger and as I do say Yang wakes up from sleeping and realizes that but, not only does she realize that she realizes that she figures out that we are also cuffs at our ankles.

"You got to be kidding me" Yang says quietly

"What do you suggest we do" I ask her

"Well, we have lunch in ten minutes want to start walking over the cafeteria" She says. We start walking, sort of, once we opened the doors to the cafeteria. I see Ruby jingling the keys in front of her face. Once we reach the table where they're sitting All three of them say"April Fools and Happy birthday Yang"

"Of always to prank someone, you handcuff us the fuck together" I say angry as all hell

"Well, you two looked cute cuddling each other" Blake says hugging me, After she says that I see Yang starts to blush and I feel my checks getting warm. We sit there in silence for a moment. And breaking the silence I hear Cardin again (can you believe this guy) "See I told they were real" and the follow up "Please stop" from Velvet

"Hey Cardin you better be doing an April Fools joke or I'm going to" I see that Nora is beside me and She whispers "break his legs" I continue my statement "Break your legs"

"Yeah it's a joke April Fools" Cardin replies, I look over my shoulder to see him walking away from Velvet

(A.N.) I might make another Meeting Team RWBY give me your thoughts is like to know what you'd think about that and as always I hoped you enjoyed

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