Hope for the best...

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"So what's the plan for tomorrow's mission" I hear Ren ask and see the rest of Team Juniper funnel in behind him as well as Ozpin and Miss Goodwitch

"Well, the mission will have to be tonight" Ozpin says

"But that doesn't give us anytime to practice today" Ruby says sounding scared and worried

"Yes, we know but, we looked at the pictures you forwarded us Coal and we saw members of Team Rainbow" Goodwitch reply in a monotone voice "And we saw some High Value Targets as well as some crates that might have some stolen weapons"

" What time do we move out"

"7:00pm sharp make sure you're at our helicopter and we have John Taylor will be your pilots and I will say Coal you friend has an impressive reputation, we will report with you ladies and gentlemen later" Ozpin says. They walk away seemingly normal but, there's something wrong about this I just can't put my finger on it.

"Well that's big decrease in time" Jaune says sounding confused and mad about the situation"Well what now"

"We finish eating, go get ready for this, and meet back down here at 5:00 o'clock. Is everyone clear on this" Hours pass sharpening knives and loading bullets in my cartridges. Suiting up for the biggest search and destroy/rescue mission I've ever been apart of. At 5:00pm in the Cafeteria we roll out the blueprints for the facility and we carefully assign positions for everyone. At 7 o'clock we find our selves on a helicopter to a Warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Once the sun sets the sky is full of stormy clouds and we can see lighting and the rain steadily getting closer. I look at Ruby and I can tell that she doesn't look like her normal self. "You okay Ruby" I ask her sincerely

"Yeah, I'm okay just nervous about this" Ruby Reply's

"We all are Ruby" I put my arm around her and she leans on side and closes her eyes and falls asleep on me. 30 minutes later everyone that's was sleeping isn't now. We wake up to a beeping sound and John yelling "BRACE FOR IMPACT" After that I blacked out and wake to Ruby shaking me. Once I'm woken up I look to my left to see the helicopter in the distance. I stand up and we both just start running away from the crash site after about five minutes of we stop to take a look around to see what's around us. As it starts to rain and slowly the rain start to come down harder.
"What happened Ruby" I ask her still confused to what happened.
"We were hit by a rocket" Ruby Reply's startled.
I lean up against a tree to catch my breath and I feel tingling sensation on my of left shoulder. I look to see what it is and it's piece of the helicopter blade that is around six inches long."Are you okay Coal" Ruby asks her voice very shaky.

"I've been better" I reply yanking the piece of metal out of my arm and tossing it to the ground"How about you Ruby, you feeling alright"

"I'm scarred"Ruby reply's hugging me and realize that she starts crying. I get down on my knee and asks her "What happened to everyone else"

"The White Fang took them"Ruby responds wiping her tears off her face

"Well we still have a mission to do" I tell her and I pull her hood over her face and we start to sneak our way to the warehouse.
The storm knocked the power out and the building is running on back up generators.
"Look there they are, all of them" Ruby says. We see them dragging them out of a military transport truck. "What's our Plan Coal" Ruby asks me

"To finish what they started"

(A.N) Sorry for barely posting over the summer I've been really busy with school starting up and Marching band and a bunch of other stuff but, as alway I hoped you enjoyed this installment.

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