I. What once was.

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(Hi <3 English is not my first lenguaje, sorry in advance for any mistakes. Enjoy!)

✾   Prologue   ✾

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   A ray of sunlight entered through the slightly ajar shutter, directly into Nadine's eyes. Tired and sleepy, she covered her face with her left hand; the plastic of her prosthesis was cold. With her other hand she gripped the old blue bunk bed to sit up. A small bump on the head with the same familiar wood finally woke her up.
   Sitting on the bed, feet on the warm floor, eyes closed, she allowed herself to enjoy the sun.

   Without opening her eyes she walked to the window, gently pushing the shutter's boards. Slowly, the sun's rays illuminated the room. Nadine wasn't very tall, with simple beauty, blue eyes as dark as her mother's, and brown hair like her father's, worn shoulder-length. Her skin full of freckles, was white, but always slightly bronzed. Every morning since she could remember at the foot of her window, she took a deep breath for a few minutes, letting the sun fill her body with energy.

   She gradually opened her eyelids. Outside, a gentle breeze moved the treetops, and birds sang a sweet melody. She put on her flowery wool coat and walked to the kitchen in search of her family. The light came through the window, causing the already clean breakfast dishes to shine like new. Outside, a melodious laughter could be heard... her mother's unmistakable laughter.

   She strolled through her humble home, around the wooden table to the door. She pulled it open, letting the sun paint her face once again. There they were, visible in the distance, working in the field, with a backdrop of green scenery behind them, just like every morning. Nadine used to work with them since she could remember, but the previous night she had stayed up late reviewing information about the universities she had set her eyes on. None of them close enough to visit every weekend, but if she truly wanted to succeed as an architect she had to strive for and aim at the most prestigious universities in Europe, even if it meant certain sacrifices on her part.
   Separating from her family presented a great challenge for her; they were very close. However, she knew perfectly well that it was the only way to give them a better life and pay off all the debts once and for all. They deserved it, they had always given everything for her and her siblings to have the best future they could imagine.

   Her mother, Maureen, looked up from the crops, her black hair tied in a low ponytail. She observed Nadine with a wide smile, waving her hand in greeting. Nadine began walking through the ready-to-harvest wheat towards them, but each step seemed to take her further away. She started running in fits towards her family, but it was futile.

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