XIV. Pleasures and shames.

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   Nadine and Antonia were sitting on the sand, enjoying the sun. Rosadella, inside the bus, was preparing things for departure, which wouldn't take more than five minutes, but she wanted to find an excuse to leave them alone. They needed to talk. After calming down, Antonia had spent an hour in silence. Now, melancholically, she was telling Nadine everything she had talked about with Abele, about her dreams and aspirations. In one night, she had developed a strong bond with the teenager, only to see the humanity disappear from his young body with her own eyes.

   Rosadella watched them from afar; she couldn't help but remember her long conversations about psychology with Leonardo. He always mentioned that it was known that in adrenaline-filled situations, feelings evolve faster and stronger than ever. Adrenaline was an everyday occurrence during a climate crisis and a pandemic... In just one week, love or hate could grow with a strength and firmness that usually takes years. Rosadella chuckled to herself, realizing how much she missed him.

   In a month, the relationship among the three of them had changed, evolved, and advanced like a roller coaster. Antonia felt alone; it was as if she had awakened from a dream and suddenly lost everything... Upon meeting Abele, she felt a great friendship blooming between them, she felt in sync, but it was taken from her. On the other hand, Nadine had clung to that love for Antonia, which had actually died out a long time ago. It wasn't until she saw her again that she understood it. It was almost like those stars that shine long after they have died. So blinded by that false shine, she had taken a while to see the light that Rosadella cast over her days.

   Rosadella had no plans; she had already lost everything before the climate crisis. After detoxifying, she thought about dedicating her life to Pangea, giving her all for a better world. She wasn't interested in a future for herself; she had already loved and lost.

   However, when she met Nadine and the ground moved beneath her feet, she understood that her whole life she had been waiting for her without even knowing it.

   Nadine was trying to match her energy with Antonia's as they talked, since her former friend, her former lover, was too unstable.


   "Mmm?" said Nadine, lying on the sand with her eyes closed. She already knew what Antonia was going to say, and it terrified her to look at her.

   "I think I'm pregnant..." Nadine sat up in response, opened her eyes, and looked at her, waiting for her to say something more. Just as she expected, Antonia continued: "Sorry for not telling you sooner, but the worst of the detox had passed, and Leonardo helped me talk about the parties... I started to experience nausea, back pain, among other things, but you know those symptoms are similar to menstruation, but my period never came. And honestly, I haven't had it for months..."

   »"When we started the trip, with all the fresh air, I tried to count, which brought back horrible memories... But soon after, I could feel my belly growing." She finished with a smile.

   "...Don't worry" said Nadine, her eyes glistening. "In a couple of days, we'll be in Iceland, and there will be doctors."

   Luckily, Rosadella had prepared her for this moment that night in the café. She gave her all the advice Leonardo had given before leaving. In such a delicate situation, they couldn't contradict her, but at the same time, they couldn't be part of the lie. They had to delay the issue as much as possible; the medical staff would take care of it in Pangea, and they only needed to be there to support her, at least Nadine; Rosadella had plans never to see her again.

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