No Winning - 52

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She tried to act like her normal self the next day, but both Moon-soo and Wen knew something was wrong.

"He should start teaching you conversational Jeon instead of individual words and phrases," Wen commented after Moon-soo taught her colors.

"How would he even start?" Jinx thought it was a good idea. It could be helpful.


He looked to Wen, pausing in plucking a baby blue flower from its stem.

Wen told him something in Jeon, nodding to the princess in the middle of it.

Moon-soo was more serious than he had been all day, responding to Wen with a frown.

They went back and forth for a couple minutes, then Moon-soo heaved an annoyed sigh.

Tilting his head, Wen asked a question that Moon-soo answered by complaining. Tones didn't change across languages.

Once they reached an agreement, Moon-soo asked the princess to sit in the grass and started teaching her the very basics. "I", "me", "you", "we" and so on.

Wen stepped back to give Moon-soo the space to teach in his unique style. It did keep her mind off things, having to focus intently to learn.

When she did see Yeong, she was just as cold to him. She stopped the sad looks and stopped wishing for him to give her attention. He had explained himself clearly, so she refused to hurt herself more than she needed to. If Wen or Moon-soo noticed the change, they didn't comment.

At night was when it all came to the forefront, everything she pushed aside during the day. It was all a conglomerate of emotions, from anger to fear, sadness to hopelessness. Overall, it hurt. It hurt so much that she curled up and shut her eyes tight until exhaustion took her under.

A week after the difficult conversation with Yeong, he was there with Wen and Moon-soo in the morning.

Jinx met his eyes, trying to be equally as impersonal.

He said, "The king called an urgent family meeting."

The silence was tense as the princess was escorted to the east wing. Again, only Yeong was allowed inside with her.

The king acknowledged her with a strange look and acknowledged Yeong with a nod.

Jinx guessed there would be more news or further discussion about the conspiracy. Especially with how solemn Nat looked from where he was posted near the king's throne.

It was a much shorter wait for the first princess and her family. When they took their thrones a half hour later, the meeting finally began.

"This has been a long and gruesome process," King Byron started after greeting everyone individually. "And I'm sorry to ruin such a good mood, considering Prince Tyree's recent engagement."

Nervous energy charged the air as the king looked at each member of his family one at a time. He frowned, "I apologize."

"What is it, Byron?" Princess Tyrina was getting impatient, visibly annoyed.

"You." Just one word. King Byron looked at his sister with a relatively passive expression.

Jinx was confused, then Nat stepped forward to stand within the half circle the thrones formed.

Solemn and cold, Nat announced, "The traitor is First Princess Tyrina."

The crown princess was lost then, looking from the king to Nat to her aunt.

Tyrina looked furious, features contorted in a way Jinx had never seen before. She looked evil.

"First Princess Tyrina, there is no point in denying it, arguing, or crying. Explain to us why you wanted to do away with the crown princess."

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