The Return (Epilogue)

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Two Years Later

Zayn wakes Liam with gentle kisses over his shoulder and up his neck. "Goodmorning my love, wake up." He nuzzles his cold nose into the side of Liam's neck, making him groan sleepily and scrunch up. Zayn isn't usually the one to be up early, but today is their anniversary and Zayn wants as many moments as he can get.

He pushes onto one elbow, shaking his hair out of his face. He's alternated between growing it long and cutting it short over the past few years. It's about jaw length now, which his sisters tell him makes him look like the paintings of Joan of Arc.

When they'd returned to Zayn's home island, the reactions had been teary. His entire family had assumed he'd been killed, so when he appeared like a ghost on their doorstep with a rugged man in tow, he'd almost given his poor father a heart attack.

The two had told their story well, about Liam finding him marooned and taking him in, caring for him and loving him. They told his parents they were married by a ship captain, and they toted Charlie all the way with them. It had been nearly two years since he'd left by the time he returned, and his sisters changed the most. The older two were married themselves, living not far down the big hill where the family's house stood.

Zayn had a niece. That was odd.

His father had insisted on commissioning them a great house, but Zayn, and especially Liam, insisted on a small cottage on the quiet side of the island, less than two days walk from the main town. It gave them their privacy, the freedom to garden and swim and dress as they pleased. With their portion of the treasure and Zayn's inheritance, there was no need for them to keep up the appearance of Liam's fisherman occupation, but he still does it sometimes. Just to go out on the sea for a bit.

"Liam, get up my darling." Zayn trails his fingers up Liam's arm.

Liam grumbles. "Don't wanna. Hold me a little longer."

Zayn hums, clucking his tongue, and kisses Liam's neck again warmly. Gently rolling his husband onto his back, he kisses over his closed eyes, the bridge of his nose, and finally, his mouth. "I can think of ways to wake you."

Liam cracks an eye open, a smile spreading across his face. "Oh really?"

Zayn nods, smiling slyly himself. "Mmhmm. After all, it's been four years since we met. Two since our wedding." He walks his fingertips up the middle of Liam's bare chest until he can tap at his lips. "I think you'll agree with a morning of lazy lovemaking, a picnic on the sand, and a little swim."

Liam pretends to be thinking, his bottom lip pouting around Zayn's fingers. He shrugs. "I guess that sounds alright."

"You devilish bastard!"

Liam laughs, a great booming laugh, and grabs Zayn around to waist the roll him over onto the mattress. Morning light streams in through the open curtains as they make love on their bed, hands clasped in the sheets and soft sounds falling from their lips. It's just as magical as the first time, just as special, and after they lie curled into one other, breathing hard.

Zayn hums, kissing whatever part of Liam he can reach, which happens to be the curve of his chin. "I will never not want that."

Liam snuggles in closer, his fingers digging into the soft curve of Zayn's side. "I'll never not want you, princess."

They each fall into a doze before Liam shakes himself awake, dragging Zayn from their bed with whines that Zayn promised him food, and he's hungry, and how are they going to have the energy to go a second round tonight if they haven't eaten. Zayn rolls his eyes fondly, letting himself be pulled to his feet and wheedled into dressing in a loose shirt (Liam's) and soft trousers. Charlie meets them at the door to the kitchen, yawning wildly and stretching.

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