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~Han POV~

As soon as I was out of the classroom, I decided to go to the library to read some books to get Na-Yeon out of my head.

I really needed a break from all the shit, but out of nowhere, I heard some screaming from down the hallway.

I was wondering what was going on, but it turned out that these students were screaming in bloody murder and running in opposite directions away from each other.

When I looked closer, there were bloody faces and some of these students had a piece of skin ripped off or a huge chunk from their neck bitten off!

I was horrified by what I was seeing because I was going to walk away, but I accidentally knocked down a mop and bucket, which caused their attention towards me.

Han: Oh, hell no!

I turned around and ran off as I was trying to get out of it as much as possible.

I really didn't want to turn into one of those things, which is the last thing I wanna have happen.

As I ran, I managed to get to Nam-Ra, who had her earbuds in, as I saw the same boy from class run after her as I did the same with him.

Once I reached them running back, a zombie came up at me and tried to bite me, I pushed it off the railing and it fell off.

For extra measure, I checked myself over, making sure I wasn't bitten but after a quick pat down, no bites on me.


Nam-Ra: Eun-Woo, are you okay?

Han: I'm fine. Luckily, I'm not bit.

Su-Hyeok: I'll take her to a classroom where other students are.

Han: Alright. I'll go find any more students. You take her to that classroom and keep her alive as you go.

Su-Hyeok: I'll try.

Han: Su-Hyeok! ALIVE!

I went away from them as I had to keep looking for any more students that didn't have chunks of skin bitten off and flesh between their teeth.

While I ran, I pushed away as many zombies as I could, making sure that I didn't get bitten.

I know that these things will go for my legs and try to kill me, so to solve that problem, I just ran and jumped whenever I could, making sure that no zombie tries to bite my ankle or anywhere on my legs, arms, or neck.

Then, I made it to the lunchroom where it was starting to have so many of those things eat every student in could find.

One in particular, was face to face with it and I knew who it was, On-Jo.

I ran up and kicked the zombie in the face, and pulled it off of her as I helped her up.

Han: You alright?

On-Jo: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, thanks.

Han: Come on, let's get outta here before we get killed.

I saw a window that was halfway shut and that was our exit.

I grabbed her hand and we ran towards it.

On-Jo: Don't hold my hand.

Han: Hey, I'm the one who saved you from death, so you should be thanking me. Anyway, we gotta go through that window!

On-Jo: What? Are you crazy?!

Han: There's no time! You wanna live?

On-Jo: Yeah.

Dead For Love (Nam On-Jo X Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now