7- the next Pirate Empress..?😳

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Back inside the cabin while all of that is happening inside. Rimuru locked the door and removes his cloak. "Can you please reveal where your tattoos are located? Just point the direction I don't need to see it so it will not be uncomfortable" he said. The three nodded and pointed at their backs in unison. "Alright... Just bare a little bit of pain okay? Here goes..." He opens his palms and start the pocess. How do you remove a tattoo? Laser of coyrse! Then he uses his healing potion so the scar heals and completely erased. "And.... Done!" The bath room is their you can take a look at it I'm going outside." Said Rimuru smilling and leaves.

After that outside Ciel serves the drinks and snacks. Then Rimuru peeks "we're done! They're checking it out if it's erased." Said Rimuru walking towards the table and taking a glass of drink.

"So about my arm? Is the offer still stand?" Shanks asked hoping.

"Oh! Yes." Said Ciel going beside the Captain and taking the cutted arm. He gently caressed the armed with his right hand revealing his different colored rings. The arm grew back in an instant. The eyes of the first mate and Rayleigh could never be wide open in shocked and amusement. Benn actually dropped the cigarette from his mouth and Rayleigh almost drop the glass he's holding.

Ciel hold the regrewed arm caressing it gently and examining for cuts and injuries. "There. It's done!" He said looking up at the Captain smilling.

"How in the world-" said Benn getting cutted by Ciel saying "I can heal anything as long as you're still breathing."

"Golden Angel right?" Asked the Captain.

Ciel nodded. "Ciel. My name's Ciel. Shanks." Ciel added.

Yeah definitely an Angel's miracle thought the Captain. "Is that wise? You told us your rea name... And my crew saw your faces before" said Shanks concerned.

"Nah it's fine! Name's Naruto Uzumaki!" Said Naruto grinning.

"Rimuru Tempest" said Rimuru still drinking.

After that the three cloak people goes to them and removed their hoods. "I can't thank you enough. My name is Boa Hancock and this is my sisters Marigold and Sonia." Said Hancock bowing genuinely grateful along with his sisters.

"Well damn! The Pirate Empress! What a surprise!" Said Naruto.

"Eh? Oh you're welcome! It's nothing, we like the job of helping and getting on the World Government's nerves anyways!" Said Rimuru waving it off.

Hancock smiles "I really hate guys but I can make an exception with you three!" Hancock snaps her head to Ciel's direction. "Golden Angel Ciel right? Would you like to become the next Empress of the Amazon Lily if I retired?" Asked Hancock.

Rayleigh, Benn and Shanks chockes on their drinks hearing the proposition. "Hancock he's a male- hence cannot be an Emptess." Said Rayleigh as if it's the most obvious problem.

"But I can sense the beauty through that mask! Rimuru as well! I can sense the fellow beauty in miles" she exclaimed.

Rayleigh raised an eyebrow seeing The Red haired Captain and first mate nodding.

Naruto chuckles "well his beauty is really unworldly" the blond nodded in agreement.

"Eh? Me? Uhm.... No but thanks? I don't want more responsibilities..." Apologies Ciel bowing.

"Yep! No as well on my side" Rimuru added.

"....." Hancock is silent and contemplating "then how about this. I'll live it be if you three ahow me what you look like?" She proposed.

"Sure! Not really a problem." The Golden Trio said in unison.

Naruto first remove his mask at cloack "Yo!" He said grinning.

"Are those whiskers real?" Said Marigold amused. Naruto nodded.

Rimuru removes his mask and smile with a peace sign.

"You look really cute!" Said Hancock.

Ciel then removes his mask and smile.

"See?! He's so pretty!" Said Hancock squaling. "Oh my!" Her other sisters said and gasps.

Shanks looked intently at Ciel. It didn't go unnoticed by his first mate and former crewmate. Ciel sensing that someone is looking at him intently quickly put his mask back on. Everybody frowns at the action but the two of the Golden Trio followed suit.

Benn clears his throat at asked "do you guys have more drinks? This one is really good. I've never tasted before"

"That's because we made them! You can take some barrels with different kinds of flavors but! You can't share it outside your crew! And nope we're not selling any of those as well" said Rimuru answering the underlying questions of the Pirate. Benn can only nod at that.

"You girls can also take some and Rayleigh too! Sorry we're quite greedy of what's ours so even if those can be sell for high prices we're not doing that" Rimuru added. He wants every booze to themselves only this time around. He had the authority since it's from his country.

Shanks sulk at that... Yeah sulk! He likes drinking cause he's a pirate and these stuffs are very delicious. But he doesn't want to push it. "Hey don't you three wanted to be pirates?" He ask suddenly.

The three looks at each other and shakes their heads. "Nope!"

"Even if we got bounties we're not going to be pirates. No offense. It's just that... We just have had enough fighting our whole lives before so we're just travelling around the world ." Explained Naruto looking in the distance looking tired. "And if any of you needs any help just contact us." Cuel added tosses three pieces of papers with a number (to Hancock, Shanks and Rayleigh). "That number is connected to my personal den dem. If you rang we'll coem runnig' he said smiling.

After that eventful day. Shanks is hesitant to leave but begrudgingly go back.

"That guy couldn't be more obvious." Whisper Naruto to Rimuru. The three of them looking at the ship getting smaller in the distance. Rimuru nodded. "He really does"

(ON HOLD) ONE PIECE x Naruto Uzuma, Rinuru Tempest and M! OCWhere stories live. Discover now