9- What lies in the future

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Rimuru pats Ciel's back and Naruto nodded to him. "One of your son get handed to the Navy and they want a public execution to take place in Marineford.... 4 years from now that person is going to join your crew... It's really messed up, I can't explain in details so can I just show it?" Ciel continued and look at the Captain.

"We're just going to believe that...?" Said Vista.

"At least here him out, yoi. It wouldn't hurt to listen." Said Marco.

"How do you plan to show something that isn't happening yet?" Said Thatch raising an eyebrow.

"....This is what will happen in the war... In details."  Said Ciel raising his hand.

"Wait that takes alot of your energy like sending someone alive in hell are you sure you'll do that?" Asked Naruto.

Send someone alive to hell? Thought everyone.

Ciel shakes his head "it's okay. I have too." Then he snaps his fingers.

It's like a memory suddenly come rushing to everyone's mind. They can feel eveything. They can see everything. The pain the lost the sadness. Even tho it's not happening yet. Ciel's knees collapse on him. Sensing it Rimuru flashspeed behind him to support him.

Rimuru clicks his tongue "you know for someone so powerful. You're so damn reckless." He said shaking his head.

Every pirates are silent processing what they saw or remembered? (They can't really tell) from the future events.

"I died huh ..?" Said Izo fan over his mouth.

"Damn it!" Said Jozu.

"That traitor..." Vista cursed under his breath.

Thatch lowered his head. He thinks it's his fault for being weak. Then their future borther died because of it too.

"Hey... It's not your fault! It started with a betrayal of a man" Naruto said looking at the room's roof.

"I know I got a bad feeling about him yoi. From the start" said the Pheonix annoyed.

Ciel holds himself up then shakes his head. He sighs. There's too much going on in his mind right now.

"If the Marines wanted war. They'll get a war " said the Captain seriously.

"You need to take care of your health first..." Said Ciel almost in a whisper. Why does he look hurt? Because Luffy suffered alot. That's why he's doing so much effort in the first place. The kid already suffered as a kid...

"Hey! Old man." Said Rimuru tossing a bottle. "That'll restore your health instantly if you drink it... " Rimuru added. "If you think it's poisoned then I can demonstrate the use" he continues.

"You can't... You remember what race are you? You can't get hurt" Said Naruto. "Don't even try Ciel. You heal instantly that potion doesn't work on you either" Naruto continues crossing his arms.

Both of the scolded pouted.  "Your revealing too much information about us " said Rimuru not looking at Naruto still pouting. He just said Ciel's name... Rimuru sighed.

"Here I'm going to demonstrate it" Naruto said kinai at his hand and slashed his arm. Deep.

Whitebeard pirates eyes widen. "What the hell?!" They all shouted.

"W-we need a doctor! That's so deep! Are you insane?!" Shouted Thatch.

"I'll get the bandages and the nurses to check that up yoi. Blood is gushing out like waterfall" said Marco standing up.

"Ouch! Damn it! I got carried away!" Cursed Naruto. "Here old man pour a little bit of that in the wound."

Whitebeard complied. The injury closed. Only the strays of blood can be seen. It's like nothing happened.

"What the actual fvck" said every commanders in disbelief looking at the now healed wound.

Whitebeard laughs and immediately drank the potion. "Oyaji" shouts his children in panicked.

Naruto looked unimpressed. "Again. For someone so powerful to be this reckless.... I mean it's good you take it but you shouldn't just done that"

Rimuru facepalms. "We also made that. And no we're not selling it." Said Rimuru.

"Don't do anything for now" Ciel said bowing his head. "Please?" Said the Angel looking at everyone.

"...." Everyone is silent. "Alright. Children pretent nothing happened and you didn't know anything. Act as you always do"

"But! The traitor!" Said Thatch.

"We can't really do anything now yoi. Since those will only happen years from now." Marco sighed.

"But!-" Haruta protested.

"Can't you all see?" He pointed at a zoomed out Ciel. "He's hurting too" The Captain added.

Evetyone looks at the Angel and felt bad. But why would he be hurt? Is someone important to him also their?

Ciel snapped out of his daze and his face look like he'd seen a ghost. "I- I forgot to save Corazon.... I'm so focused on one problma that I forgot that he died... Three years ago... I- I can't turned back time!" He suddenly snapped.

"We know" Naruto said nonchalantly "we just didn't remind you" he added with a straight face.

Ciel looks shocked. Like he got betrayed by his brother. His mouth agape. "Why...?" He whispered that sounded so broken.

Whitebeard Pirates winced at that word and how that sounded. They're listing in the interaction.

Rimuru makes Ciel sit down. Ciel looks up, face so coofused. Rimuru sighed and holds both Ciel shoulder and look at him eye to eye. "Ciel" Rimuru started. "You're not your Father. You're an Angel. Not him. Not god. You. Don't. Have. To. Save. Everybody. Their lives are not your responsibility to begin with"

Angel?! What the hell is happening?! Everybody thought.

"But I can do something! What's your powers are for?! Display?!" Ciel said voice cracking at every word almost tearing up. He's so overwhelmed.

Naruto facepalms. "Rely on us too. Ya know? There's three of us. As Rimuru said before. We're all in this sh!t together"

"...." Ciel looks down pursing his lip "sorry..." He whispers.

Whitebeard cleared his throat. "As I said we'll do something in the right time." He stared. "We're still going on that war. We're not backing down. Understood?" Hevsaid sternly.

"Yes Captain!" Said the Pirates

(ON HOLD) ONE PIECE x Naruto Uzuma, Rinuru Tempest and M! OCWhere stories live. Discover now