13- When the Angel sobber up

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"So... We got extra rooms here you can stay there while you're here. What about the Angel?" Said Izo.

"Well... You handle him Marco" said Rimuru.

"Am I not older than you yoi?" Said Marco raising an eyebrow.

"Don't be fooled! We're older than we looked ya know! But not older than your captain!" Said Naruto.

"Brats." Said the Captain chugging his booze.

"Well don't do anything Mr. Pheonix. You don't want Lucifer knocking at your door. Literally." Said Naruto grining.

Well everyone gets the hint. Angels and demons. Yeah Lucifer the Older brother of the favoured child of the heavens.

Marco gulped "Understood yoi" he said going to his room.
The next morning when Ciel woke up.... Yeah he remembered everything and is deeply embarrassed. He looks at the Pheonix already awake and doing paperwork at his side.

"Morning yoi" saud Marco handing the Angel a glass of water.

"Thanks... Pineapple Chicken." He said grinnig sheepishly and drinking the water.

The man groaned at the nicknane. "Crybaby." He retorted.

Ciel pouted with a 'hmph'. "Paperworks? I can help" he said offering.

"Nah it's okay yoi" the man said doing the paperworks.

"Wait... Aren't you guys pirates? Why do you have paperworks?" Asked Ciel standing up.

"Territories yoi" Marco replied.

Ciel nodded and look at the papers. "Why does this looks more complicated than those paperworks from the Elders?" Said Ciel furrowing his brows.

Marco chuckled. "You think,  yoi? It's not that complicated. It's just... A lot" he said.

Ciel hummed.

"I heard yesterday that you like Akagami" said Marco bluntly. He's observing Ciel's reactions.

"Yeah I liked him before" Ciel said looking at the man with a smile.

"What about now yoi?" He asked actually scared to what will be the answer.

"No. Not anymore. I don't really like him that much." ciel said nonchalantly.

Marco nodded "well I'm glad" he blurted out.

Ciel giggled. "Yeah?~" he said leaning closer grinning.

"Sh!t. I said that out loud yoi" Marco frowned.

Then their a loud bang outside. Ciel is starled. You know he's clumsy as fvck.

"Ack- what's with that so early?" The Angel said tripping on air.

Marco holds his waist to balance the Angel on his feet. "So clumsy yoi" commented the man.

"Sorry" said Ciel not really sorry at all.

"Let's go outside to check yoi" said Marco holding the Angel's waist guiding him outside.

"Oh they're just sparing" Cuel shrugs looking at Rimuru and Naruto sparing at the commanders.

"Are you a fighter Ciel yoi?" Asked Marco looking at the smaller male.

"Nope! They do the fighting. I shouldn't have a wanted poster to begin with." He said shrugging looking at the fight.

Marco hummed. Pulling the Angel closer to him.

"Ne Pineapple chicken~" saud Ciel looking up at the man.

"Ugh you're not leaving that nickname don't you yoi?" Said Marco groaning looking down at the male.

Ciel grinned "nope!"

Marco puts his forehead on the Angel's forehead and said. "Again I'm tempted to smack your head" he said with his eyes closed.

Ciel giggled with his eyes closed as well patting the mans head "there. There. Don't smack this poor Angel's head. He might cry again" he said repeating what he said last night. Then they heard a 'clicked' sound. They whipped their head on the direction of the sound.

"Oops?" Said Thatch holding a camera. Not really apologetic.

Ciel smiled and put a peace sign. Then Thatch snap a picture again. Marco sighed but he smiled for the pucture becuase the Angel. After seeing the smile the cook's jaw drops. "I didn't know you can smile like that!" Thatch exclaimed snapping more pictures.

"Do you want me to make a locket for the picture Ciel?" Offered Rimuru.

Ciel looks at the Pheonix expectantly with his eyes shimmering almost saying please with his eyes. Marco groaned and put his hands on the Angel's eyes. He nodded at Rimuru "thanks yoi" he said.
"Well damn yoi. What does this made of?" Asked Marco amused at the locket he's holding.

"The locket it self is obsidian. The chain is made of tungsten. Then the gems are of your birthstones. Spinel and Opal" Answer Rimuru.

"Oooh~ shinny!" Said Ciel eyes sparking at the gem stone of his locket.

"Those materials are hella expensive!" Thatch exclaimed. "Ooh you both are matching~" the cook wiggled his eyebrows.

"Here let me put it on you" said Ciel putting the locket on the male "don't forget about me Pineapple chicken~" he said giggling.

"That's impossible yoi" Marco said softly.

The commanders are snickering in the background along with Naruto and Rimuru.

"Here" said Ciel giving a paper to Marco. "It's my personal den den number. Call me if you got a time I'll answer... If I'm not busy with paperworks in Mary Geoise that is" he said.

"Alright yoi" said Pheonix patting the Angel's head.

(ON HOLD) ONE PIECE x Naruto Uzuma, Rinuru Tempest and M! OCWhere stories live. Discover now