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(Charlottes pov)

I woke up to the sound of Lily crying I felt more tired than usual but brushed it off

I stood up and walked over to lily's crib and picked her up and place her on my hip I found lilys pacifier and gave it to her to suck on yes Lily does still has a pacifier she likes it even though we have tried to get her to stop with it we still give it to her sense she's only 2 years old

I put her in her high chair and buckled her in.

I cut up some fresh strawberries for her to eat and gave it to her to eat she held her pacifier in her left hand and ate her strawberries with her right hand

I was washing some dishes when I heard foot steps behind me and felt arms wrap around my waist

"Good morning" sweet pea said in my ear and kissed my cheek

"Morning" I say turning around and giving him a kiss on the lips

"Mama I dun" Lily said holding up her plate for me to take

I looked over sweet peas shoulder and smiled to see she had put her pacifier back into her mouth and sucked on it

"Sweets can you get her while I clean up her plate and the rest of the dishes?" I asked

"Sure can" he said going over to Lily and unbuckling her from her seat "come here princess"

Lily jumped in her seat giggling and holding her arms up wanting her dad to pick her up

Sweet pea took her to the living room and sat on the couch with her on his lap and turned on some cartoon that Lily would like and played with her


We was at school I was walking with Toni down the hall Lily insisted on walking so I put her down and held her hand and her other hand messed with what ever she had on her clothes or with the pacifier in her mouth

All the sudden the doors opeaned fast and in walked the sheriff and the mayor

I quickly picked up Lily  started going down the hall not knowing what the hell was happening

I was grabbed by someone and pulled my arm away out of instinct  and looked and seen it was Archie and jughead pulling me away

"What the hell?!" I yelled

"Mayor McCoy is arresting ever serpent with a jacket she can find we need to go" jughead said

I hesitated cause I wanted to stay and help my friends but for lilys sake I had to go

"Fine!" I said

Lily  was looking over my shoulder she was already upset and confused

"Daddy!" Lily screamed crying hysterically (don't be thinking of anything she's 2)

Me and jughead Archie left the school we got a few blocks from the school and stopped

Lily was still crying in my arms

"Shh it's okay" I soothed rubbing he back

"I want daddy" she said crying

"I know he will be back" I said


After we went to pops just for Archie and jughead to argue until jughead got a text saying tall boy wanted him to meet him same with me

I wish Lauren could have watched Lily for me but she couldn't cause she went out off town for a bit

Me and jughead met tall boy in some secret place

There was loud music  some girl walked passed me and gave me a snarky look witch I returned I wasn't in the mood cause my boyfriend just got put to jail for somthing that wasn't his fault

"Sit down kids" tall boy said "business to discuss"

"Tall boy what the hell is this?" Jug asked

"Your in my house" tall boy replied

And some ghoulie walked "who's this little one" he said dragging a finger down lilys face witch I quickly swatted away

"Touch her your dead" I threatens and he just laughed ignoring me

"It's the house of the dead" the ghoulie said sitting down

"Well I'm sorry who the hell are you?" Jug asked

"Take it easy jughead" tall boy said "malachai speaks for the ghoulies,with the heat in us and are ranks depleted our tribes need to unite and that's gonna be easier to do if you two endorse this partnership"

"Us why us?" I asked

"You fps kids" tall boy replied "that carried weight excpecially with are younger members"

"Tall boy there the reason southside was even raided" jughead hissed "them and there jingle jangle"

"Chaos is how we thrive" malachai said "you better get used to it"

"Get used to it?" I hissed "no one on my gang is gonna get used to your shit at all not on my fucking watch"

"Are you seriously gonna do this to my dad?" Jug asked. "Your supposed to be his right hand"

"The northside declared war today" tall boy said standing up "your old man ain't her to call the shots and yeah I'm his right hand that makes me the de facto leader here and now so things are changing jones either you change with them or suffer the consequences"

"Evolve or die baby!" Malachai said

I gave Lily to jughead

"Tall boy your no right hand when you don't follow the laws" I said "the ghoulies ain't apart of the serpents so you either join them or stick with the serpents you stay with them then that's breaking the 7th law a serpent never betrays its own you would mean your out of the serpent and there protection now sense the leader of the serpents is my dad and me being his daughter means Iv got a say in this and Iv got a lot of serpent buddies that would take my side in a second so if I was you id stick to the people who have stuck by your side sense you joined good luck" 

I took Lily from jughead and walked out

I was so pissed at everything but needed to calm down for Lily

(A/N little bit of a cliff hanger and I might have went to far on the last few things it it's probably really cringey but other than that I hope use enjoy)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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