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"Second chance... Second chance is a very rare luxury Mr. Punj. You don't deserve it." Diya said.

"Tell me what I can do to deserve that one chance. I will do anything.... Anything Diya!" Arjun growled.

"Then just sign the god damned papers!" She was furious .

"That ain't gonna happen!" He said calmly.

"You don't love me!" It was more of a declaration.

"Doesn't change a damned thing. Divorce isn't happening Diya! Not now, not ever! I am ready to repent... Every fuking thing I did! But don't tell me to sign those papers..." Arjun was determined.

"What do you want Arjun?" She was on the verge of breaking.

"That's simple.... You!" Arjun smiled.

After reading so many stories of second chance in marriage I realised I wanted to write one.

You might find some change in the written style as well but I don't know may be you will not.

This isn't going to be a sweet coming back story. Ml is going to be manipulative bitch.
I am not catagorising it as a dark romance because I am bad at writing dark romance but you can decide if you find it dark as the story proceed. I know there has been so long but I hope that you all will like and appreciate. I will try to update daily, but can't promise.

Please vote and do comment, your comments are always very special to me.

The other stories which are still pending will be updated eventually. And satrangi is my love child I need some time to publish it mostly I will be publishing it in one go. So untill and unless the finished product is ready you need to wait.

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