Chapter 4

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(I don't know if I wrote this well enough to be a TW but just to let you know there is a panic attack in this chapter)

As tears prickled her eyes, Julia looked away into Charles' chest as her eyes threatened tears. Although confused for a few seconds, Charles finally saw it too. Arthur had his tongue down another girl's throat.

"I have to get out of here," Julia said as she stumbled backwards and put her hand to her chest in an attempt to slow it down. Charles immediately sobered up and led her out of the crowd and into the VIP section where they were before and began to call her brother. "Yo Charles what's up?" "Hey Zander, its Julia, something happened with Arthur and he cheated on her and I think she's having a panic attack. I don't know what to do." He paused for a second. "I know you wanted to surprise her tomorrow, but do you think you could come here quickly to pick her up." "Already in the car, send me the address."

As Charles waited for Zander to arrive, he tried to calm Julia's breathing, but nothing was working. Soon all of the other drivers had noticed her state and were getting worried, but Charles told them to stay away and not to overwhelm her.

After about 10 minutes, barging through the door came Zander who ran to Julia and immediately knelt down beside her. "Y-Your h-here" Julia panted in shock that her brother was here instead of at home. "I'm here darling, I need you to calm down for me okay." "I-I c-can't do i-it Zander. I-it's a-all h-appening a-again" Julia stuttered as she tried to talk "I know, I know, it was my idea for you to try dating again I'm sorry but right now I need you to stay with me okay." All Julia could do was nod. "Perfect, you're doing so well okay. I'm gonna need you to breathe with me yes." Again, Julia nodded, and Zander grabbed her hand and put them on his chest. "You feel me breathing, your going to breathe with me okay. Breathe in 2-3-4, Out 2-3-4, In-2-3-4, out-2-3-4." As Julia began to breathe, she could feel her heart beat slowing town and she took larger breaths.

Once Zander realised this, he pulled her into a hug and kept whispering thing to her like "keep breathing, your doing so well." When she calmed down enough, Zander asked Charles to get her a glass of water and he helped her drink it ever so slowly to steady her breathing completely. "Julia, I'm sorry, this is all my fault." Zander said as remorse flashed in his eyes. "Its not your fault Zander, its mine for trusting that moron." Zander laughed a little bit glad she had calmed down enough to insult Arthur.

After a few minutes of her and Zander catching up, Arthur entered into the VIP room with lipstick all over his lips and as soon as Charles saw him, he punched him with a perfect right hook. Arthur fell to the ground with a grunt as Charles began screaming, "How dare you fucking do that to her you asshole, kissing that pig over the beautiful girlfriend you have. The amount of bullshit that she has had to put up with because of you dealing with your anger issues were bad enough, now you're a fucking cheater. Don't you think she has been through enough!" Arthur tried to interrupt but Charles cut him off again, "No you don't get to speak, you had your chance and you blew it. I told you the first day not to break her heart, all you had to do was be a supportive boyfriend and you fucked that up as well. If you ever harm her again or even come near her, I am going to make your life hell, now fuck off." As Arthur left from the club, Julia got up and hugged Charles. "Thankyou," she whispered into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. 


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