Chapter 7

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"Hiyah Darling what'sup" "Not much to be honest, I'm just so confused. I thought we would last forever but now I can't even look him in the eye." Zander hugged her and they started walking towards the car but just as they passed the Alpha Tauri (I will be using this name in the story instead of the new one) Peter Byer the CEO of the company came out. "Hey Julia, I was wondering if I could talk to you for a second." "Yeah sure." As Julia walked into the motorhome, Alex looked at her with a thumbs up and she went into the meeting room. Sitting there was the CEO, Team manager and all other important people in the club. When she walked in, she had a seat at the head of the table and looked out to all of them waiting for someone to speak. "So, Julia, we brought you here today because George Russell is obviously moving to Mercedes next season and we have a free spot opening up for a driver and we were wondering whether you wanted to be one of our f1 drivers next season."

Just as he said this Julia's eyes lit up and she jumped out of her seat, "Are you joking? OMG, I would love to be an f1 driver!" Some of the managers around the room chuckles as one of the men pulled out the papers. As they went through the terms and conditions, Julia had no problem with it as it was standard procedure and she signed at the bottom as fast as she could. "Welcome to Alpha Tauri." one of the men said. Julia thanked all of them and hugged them.

After all of the details were figured out, Julia walked out of the meeting room happier than ever and was immediately swept up into a hug by Alex. "Oh My God! You did it Julia! You Just signed into f1; I am so proud of it I can't believe it." "Alex, I can't breathe." Julia chuckled as Alex put her down with the biggest smile on his face. "I mean it, I knew they would choose you to be the driver. I am so excited!" Julia talked to him a bit more about the team as he introduced her to everyone and then she went out to find Zander.

"ZANDER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!" "WHAT HAPPENED JULIA." Zander said matching her energy. "So, I went into Alpha Tauri and." Julia paused for a second to make him wait. "I GOT INTO F1!" Julia again started jumping up and down. "Are you kidding me!" Zander said pulling her into a hug. "I am so proud of you little sis. I knew you could do it! Lets go out to celebrate!" Zander pulled her along to the car. "Okay, okay, but not too much, I have a race tomorrow." "Of course, of course now let's go!"

Julia's Instagram Posts From celebrating;

(In the photos are Julia, Zander, Lily and Alex)

(In the photos are Julia, Zander, Lily and Alex)

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