Chapter 8

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Julia woke up to the sound of her phone ringing so she answered it thinking it may be something important. "Julia, where are you!?" she heard Zak screaming through the phone. As Julia looked at the time, she realised that her race was in an hour. "Shit, Zak I'm coming to the race now I promise." Julia hung up and sprinted through the hotel room having a shower, doing her hair, and putting her racing suit straight on. In the rush to get ready, she woke up Zander as he also realised the time and quickly through on a t-shirt and helped Julia get ready. "Let's go Julia we have 30 minutes to be at the track and it takes 15 minutes to get there." He screamed through the room. As Julia was ready, her and Zander sprinted to the car while passing many other drivers who had already raced on the day.

Her and Zander got in the car and sped down to the racetrack running towards the paddock gates. "Shit, I forgot my card. I'm sorry sir I need to enter the paddock." "I'm afraid I can't do that miss as you don't have your tickets, I'm sure you can go and get them, I am in no rush." As he said this Julia started stressing and felt a panic attack coming on. "Please, can you let us through. I have to race in 10 minutes. I'm an f2 driver please." As he continued to refuse, Julia got more and more stressed until she heard a voice behind her. "They're with me, let them through." "Okay sir, mam here you go." The security officer let her through, and she sprinted towards the McLaren garage passing all fans and f1 drivers who were confused at why she wasn't in the car already.

"Welcome to the f2 race today folks, it is a beautiful day in Abu Dabi, and we are at the last race for the season." "Yes, but there seems to be a racer missing as we see Julia Achilleos running towards the McLaren motor home with only 5 minutes until she is due on the track." As everyone watched her running to the car, she heard Zak screaming at her to hurry up. As soon as she arrived, she put on her helmet and got into the car just as they were announcing the racers and started the countdown.

"And all the drivers are off now Julia starting in P1 and racing in what could be her last race of her career." "Yes, that it true but there have been some talks through the paddock about an f2 driver going to Alpha Tauri for the f1 seat position so lets see how well she races today."

"Come on Julia, you can do this." She whispered to herself as she maintained her P1 position. "Good job Julia, we have 5 more laps to complete, just maintain your position and you should bring us home the win one last time." "Copy that" Julia said as the radio turned off. As Julia was driving, Arthur came up in her rear-view mirror trying to overtake her, but he was too slow. "Not today Arthur," she said as she sped up the car all the way to the finish line. "YOU'VE DONE IT! You won Julia! I'm so proud of you." She heard Zander screaming through the radio. As she jumped out of the car, the whole garage was cheering from her as she started to cry from joy. "Julia, on behalf of all of us, we just wanted to tell you how proud we are and we hope that you get a seat next season." Zak says as the rest of the team pick her up into the air chanting her name.

As Julia finished all of her interviews about the race, she was walking into the garage to pack up her stuff when she saw Charles. "Hey, Charles." She said running toward him. "I just wanted to say thankyou for letting me through the gates today, I forgot my card." He just smiled towards her. "it's all good Julia, you should not have been stopped anyway as you are an f1 driver to be I believe?" Julia's eyes widened, "How do you know about that, I haven't told anyone." Charles just laughed and was called away for an interview. "I'll tell you over a dinner, you're coming to Monaco through the summer, right?" Julia nodded her head as he continued, "perfect, I'll text you all the details. See you then Julia. Oh, and congratulation on winning today, you deserved it." Julia parted ways with him with the biggest smile on her face. "I can't wait." She whispered to herself as she drove away from the race. 

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