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~four hours thirty minutes later~

It's been 4 hours and 30 minutes. we r all waiting outside anxiously the surgery will go on for 5 hours it seems. Only half an hour more. Isabelle and Cassandra are sleeping haley is pacing back and forth impatiently victor looks like he has lost his soul while Gina is the worst she looks like a corpse hardly blinking and very pale.

I went to get everyone some coffee and as i came back I distributed it to everyone and at last I searched for gina but she wasn't found where she was sitting. I looked around frantically but still I couldn't find her anywhere in the waiting area.

"Haley,victor Christian have u seen gina??"

Haley said "she was sitting theere last time I saw but where is she now?"

"U guys seen her leave this place?" I asked victor and Christian.

"No we haven't we weren't looking" victor said.

I was thinking where she wud have gone without telling us and panicked.

"Don't worry she must have gone to the washroom" Christian said.

I thought the same as she had been sitting like a statue for a long time. So I decided on waiting.

10 minutes later we hear footsteps down the corridor i thought it was gina and stood up to ask her where she was but it wasn't gina it was......


I had slept out of the waiting area without anyone noticing Maria had gone to get some coffe then. I climbed the stairs with a heavy heart I knew wat was to be done now...i knew wat to do in order to not hurt anyone after this. As I opened the terrace door cool Breeze hit my was dark with only one light on the terrace of the hospital.

the terrace looked very good it had a rooftop patio. there was a cuople standing there they left as soon as i walked in. seeing them it reminds me of julian and most importantly lisa and victor who wud have been married and happy by now if it werent for me.

I went to the railing gripped it and thought about Julian Lisa and Cassy and all the hurtfully memories came back to me....I knew there was no point in Georgina living anymore all I have done in my entire life is either getting hurt or hurting others....actually I miss Julian but he doesn't deserve someone like me....i looed at my hands and realized i had standing here thinking for more than 15 minutes now and my knuckles were white.

i let go of the railing and i started to climb the railing. i stood on the opposite side of the railing my hands tightly gripped on to it. as i was about to let go i heard the terrace door getting opened with a bang and footsteps coming hurriedly toward me judging by the noise it was only one person. i said "dont come any near i know it either maria,haley,christian or victor i deserve this and its the only way by wwhich i dont hurt more people"


wait no its not maria,haley,christian,victor or kevin....this voice....its julian!! i turned my head side ways to see him. he was sweating like hell and looking frightened and panicked.

"gina dont do this lemme come there and pull u up....GINA!!!"

i heard him shout my name before i let go of the railings i closed my eyes and waited for me to hit the ground but i felt a grip aroung my right hand. i looked up to see julian holding my hand leaning across the railings...i almost wanted to let him pull me up and engulf me in hisembrace but then guiltiness swallowed me and i just wanted to hit the ground..i tried to break my hand free but he held on to my hand tightly and it was indeed hard for him to hold onto me for longer.

THE DAY I WOKE UPWhere stories live. Discover now